Thoughts and methods of geological environment monitoring for large coal bases in the middle reaches of the Yellow River
FAN Limin,WU Qunying,PENG Jie,CHI Baosuo,SUN Kui,WANG Hongke,GUO Zuoning,NING Kuibin,LIU Shui,LI Cheng,ZHAO Xiaofeng,TIAN Shuibao,LI Bo,CHEN Jianping,GAO Shuai,WU Boyun,JI Yiwei,ZHENG Miaomiao,DU Jiangli
陕西省地质调查院 矿山地质灾害成灾机理与防控重点实验室陕西省地质环境监测总站陕西陕煤陕北矿业有限公司西安捷达测控有限公司
There are nine large-scale coal bases in the Yellow River Basin in China.The raw coal output in the Yellow River Basin accounts for 70% of total coal output in China,and it is still growing rapidly.The geological environment of the Yellow River Basin is fragile,especially in the middle reaches of the Yellow River.The geological environment effect of large-scale coal mining is significant.Good geological environment monitoring is the basis for ensuring the sustainable development of the coal bases in the Yellow River Basin.Based on the analysis of the impact of coal mining on the geological environment in the study area,this paper summarizes the geological environment characteristics of the coal base in the middle reaches of the Yellow River,including the geological environment characteristics of coal seam occurrence,groundwater environment characteristics,surface water environment and ecological environment characteristics,and summarizes the geological environment disturbance caused by coal mining in the middle reaches of the Yellow River and its indicators,including the continuous decline of groundwater level,spring water cut-off and drying up,sharp decrease of river flow,reservoir drying up,and serious surface damage in loess gully and desert area.The sensitive elements in the geological environment of large-scale coal bases in the Yellow River Basin are screened,including hydrological and water resources,ecological environment,geological disasters,rock deformation monitoring and other elements monitoring.The disturbance intensity of coal mining geological environment is classified,and the strong disturbance area,general disturbance area and non-disturbance area are divided.According to different disturbance degree of coal mining,the corresponding division is made at the same time,different monitoring methods are developed,the construction ideas of geological environment monitoring network are proposed,and the monitoring system platform is designed,which provide the foundation for the construction of mine geological environment monitoring network.At present,the groundwater monitoring system and geological hazard monitoring system have been built,the surface water and surface morphology monitoring system has been built in some coal mines,and the ecological environment monitoring system is under construction.
geological environment monitoring;coal base in the middle reaches of the Yellow River;coal mining under water-containing;green mining
1 地质环境监测指标的选择
1.1 黄河中游煤炭基地地质环境特征
1.2 黄河中游采煤对地质环境的扰动及体现指标
1.3 黄河中游地质环境监测指标体系
2 监测区域分级分区
2.1 开采扰动强度分级
2.2 监测精度分区
3 监测网建设与实施
3.1 建设目标
3.2 技术路线
3.3 总体思路及系统设计
4 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会