Adaptive clustering reconstruction algorithm of the Internet of Things after coal mine disaster
ZHAO Qing,YANG Wei,HU Qingsong
北京交通大学 电子与信息工程学院中国矿业大学 信息与控制工程学院
Aiming at the problem that the cluster head node is easy to fail due to energy exhaustion or environmental damage in the reconstruction network of the Internet of Things in coal mine,an adaptive reconstruction weighted cluster network algorithm is proposed to optimize the process of network clustering and improve the stability of the reconstruction network.Firstly,in the clustering stage,the energy factor,connectivity,distance and failure probability of nodes are analyzed.Then,each node can calculate its own cluster head election parameter through information interaction with sink node and neighboring nodes,and determine whether it becomes a cluster head node or a cluster member node by comparing with the cluster head election parameters of other nodes in the communication range.When all the remaining nodes decide to be cluster head nodes or cluster member nodes,the process of reconstructed network clustering is completed.Secondly,in the operating stage,sink node periodically sends the detection message in a small time slot and updates the member information list of each cluster.The cluster head residual energy function and link quality function are built.When either of the above two functions of the cluster head is lower than the set threshold value,sink node announces the death message of the cluster head node in the network,and restarts a new round of clustering process of the reconstructed network.The simulation results show that compared with the typical Leach and WCA clustering algorithms,the proposed adaptive reconstruction weighted clustering algorithm can effectively reduce the total number of cluster head changes of the reconstructed network,make the cluster structure more stable,ensure the distribution of nodes in the cluster is more uniform,so that the overall energy consumption of the post-disaster reconstruction network can be effectively reduced.When the residual energy or link quality of cluster head node is lower than the threshold value,the network reconfiguration process can be restarted automatically,which can prolong the life cycle of the reconstruction network and improve the stability of the reconstruction network after disaster.The proposed algorithm provides an effective solution for the reconstruction of the IoT after the coal mine disaster.
coal mine disasters;Internet of Things (IoT);node failure;self-adaptive reconstruction;clustering network
1 灾后问题描述与网络模型
1.1 问题描述
1.2 网络模型
2 综合度量指标
2.1 节点能量因子
2.2 节点连接度
2.3 节点距离度
2.4 节点失效概率
2.5 综合度量指标
3 自适应重构加权分簇组网算法
3.1 自适应加权分簇过程
3.2 簇头失效重构机制
4 仿真结果及分析
5 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会