Parallel tunneling:Intelligent control and key technologies for tunneling,supporting and anchoring based on ACP theory
YANG Jianjian,GE Shirong,WANG Feiyue,LUO Wenjie,ZHANG Yuchen, HU Xingtao,ZHU Tao,WU Miao
中国矿业大学(北京) 机电与信息工程学院中国矿业大学(北京) 智慧矿山与机器人研究院中国科学院自动化研究所 复杂系统管理与控制国家重点实验室北京天地华泰矿业管理股份有限公司
Although intelligent drivage technology has made some progress,and the prototype design of shield type and anchor-excavation type excavation-bolt-anchor multi-equipment are presented,from the equipment applicability and equipment matching point of view,there are still many problems,such as un-rigorous individual equipment design,high cost of prototype modification,inaccurate equipment control,diverse heading scenes,un-adaptability to group equipment and difficult coordination.The primary reason for the above problems is the lack of basic theoretical research on group equipment linkage and collaborative control under the special production environment of coal mine,which is mainly manifested in the lack of basic theoretical research on equipment model,scene experiment and data drive required by intelligent drivage.The modeling of drivage complex system is difficult and the experiment is insufficient.Therefore,the research idea of parallel drivage system is put forward for the first time,trying to solve the existing problems of intelligent drivage with a kind of calculation theory and method suitable for complex system.Some large-scale computational models are used to predict and induce complex system phenomena by integrating artificial social computing experiments and parallel systems to form a new computing research system.Taking the intelligent drivage complex system as the research object,this paper focuses on the overall control theory and method of the excavation support anchor system,combines with the relevant research basis and method of intelligent drivage,integrates the latest research progress of complex system,is based on the basic theory of parallel control and ACP (artificial,computing,parallel) method framework,and applies multi-agent research method based on agent control and adaptive dynamic programming.Also,it presents the research on the parallel control theory and method of excavation-bolt-anchor for intelligent drivage complex system,current situation of discrete control of group equipment in complex environment of roadway.Based on the holistic system theory,the agent model of the drivage support group equipment of the drivage system is constructed.According to the calculation experiment of the complex system under multiple scenes,the engineering verification problem of the complex and bad environment of roadway was overcome.Finally,the theory innovation and method verification of intelligent drivage parallel control method are realized.
parallel tunneling;tunneling supporting and anchoring;ACP theory;intelligent driving;parallel control;agent model
1 当前煤矿掘进的现状及分析
1.1 群体设备控制缺“代理模型”
1.2 多种巷道场景缺“计算实验”
1.3 并行联动协同缺“虚实互动”
2 基于ACP理论的平行控制方法及国内外研究现状
3 平行掘进的关键技术
3.1 整体方案
3.2 平行掘进的关键技术体系
4 平行掘进的技术难点
5 结论与展望
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会