• 全部
  • Title

    Status and development of robotization research on roadheader for coal mines

  • 作者


  • Author

    YANG Jianjian,ZHANG Qiang,WANG Chao,CHANG Boshen,WANG Xiaolin,GE Shirong,WU Miao

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学(北京) 机电与信息工程学院中国矿业大学(北京) 机器人化采矿装备研究所

  • Organization
    Department of Mechanical,Electrical and Information Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing),Robotic Mining Equipment Institute,China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)
  • 摘要

    基于煤矿巷道掘进智能化、无人化的发展要求,综述了悬臂式掘进机综掘技术、连续采煤机掘进技术和掘锚一体化掘进技术3条掘进作业线的国内外发展现状,依据国家煤炭安全监察局发布的《煤矿机器人重点研发目录》中对煤矿掘进机器人的规划,从感知、决策、执行 3个层面分析了煤矿掘进机的机器人化应具备的特征,感知层通过多类传感器对煤矿井下巷道环境信息进行采集感知,决策层分析和求解作业任务,并融合感知层传输的环境信息,制定规划出最适合的控制策略,执行层接收决策层的指令,对机器人化掘进群组的位姿和运动进行控制。系统阐述了机器人化掘进群组关键技术:掘进机器人的自主定位、煤岩识别与自动截割、远程监控与故障检测等技术;临时支护机器人的自动支护技术;钻锚机器人的平行钻锚技术;辅助装载输送机器人的同步运输技术等。对比分析国际先进机器人化掘进装备和群组,结合我国煤矿巷道掘进技术与装备的现状,提出了煤矿掘进机的机器人化技术与装备发展思路和研究方向:冲击致裂-快速掘进新技术;远程前探-精准惯导新技术;协同掘支-自适护顶新装备;钻锚一体-智能锚固新装备,实现钻探-掘进-支护-锚固-运输协同作业的机器人化掘进群组快速掘进技术,最终达到煤矿巷道掘进作业少人化、无人化的目标。

  • Abstract

    Based on the requirements of intelligent and unmanned development of coal mine roadway,the development status of three heading operation lines of the cantilever roadheader comprehensive heading technology,the continuous miner heading technology and the roadheader anchor integrated heading technology are reviewed. According to the national plan of coal mining robots in the “Key Catalogue of Coal Mine Robots R & D” issued by National Coal Mine Safety Administration,the paper analyzes the characteristics of robotization of coal mining machines from three levels of perception,decision making,and execution. The heading robots collect and sense the environmental information of underground roadways,analyze and solve the tasks at the decision-making level,and integrate the environmental information transmitted by the perception level to formulate and plan the most suitable control strategy. The execution level receives the instructions from the decision level,and positions the robotized heading group. Posture and movement are controlled. The key technologies of the robotized heading group are systematically explained: the autonomous positioning of the heading robot,the coal and rock identification and automatic cutting,the remote monitoring and fault detection,etc. ;the automatic support technology for temporary support robots;the parallel drilling anchors for drilling and anchoring robots technology;and the synchronous transportation technology for auxiliary loading and transportation robots,etc. With the comparison and analysis of advanced robotized heading equipment and groups in other countries,combined with the current status of heading technology and equipment in China’s coal mine roadways,this paper puts forward the development ideas and research directions of the robotization technology and equipment of coal mine heading machines: impact cracking-rapid heading technology;remote forward exploration-accurate inertial navigation technology;new equipment for coordinated excavation support-self-adapted roof protection;and new equipment for drilling and anchoring-intelligent anchoring to realize the rapid heading technology of the robotized excavation group for exploration-heading-support-anchor-transport cooperative operation,and finally achieve the goal of less and unmanned mine heading operations.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    intelligent roadheader,robotic work,tunneling robot group,unmanned mining

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    杨健健,张强,王超,等. 煤矿掘进机的机器人化研究现状与发展[J]. 煤炭学报,2020,45(8):2995-3005.
  • Citation
    YANG Jianjian,ZHANG Qiang,WANG Chao,et al. Status and development of robotization research on roadheader for coal mines[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45(8):2995-3005.
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 煤矿巷道掘进工艺流程

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