Theory and application of roof superimposed beam support of coal roadway based on effective anchorage layer thickness
YAO Qiangling,LI Yinghu,XIA Ze,LI Xuehua,WANG Xuanhui,CHAO Ning
通过对巷道顶板岩梁的变形及破坏特征分析,确定了顶板失稳的宏观过程及力学现象;针对煤系巷道顶板沉积岩层的分层特征,建立了煤系巷道顶板叠加梁力学模型,基于其协调变形及共同承载特性,求解出叠加梁中各分层岩梁等效承载应力、层间作用力以及锚杆(索)支护强化参数,揭示了锚杆(索)对叠加梁结构的支护作用机理,即优化不同抗弯刚度的各层顶板的承载应力分配,充分发挥各岩层力学承载性能,控制顶板的整体下沉,同时提高叠加梁的内聚力及变形模量,间接强化整体锚固结构的力学承载强度。针对顶板叠加梁支护结构在巷道不同服务阶段失稳条件,提出了煤系巷道顶板支护的有效锚固状态以及有效锚固层厚度,用于评价巷道支护中锚杆(索)对顶板实际的锚固能力,从而形成了煤系巷道顶板叠加梁支护理论。基于该支护理论,以皖北煤电集团任楼煤矿Ⅱ7324S工作面风巷为工程背景,对其在近距离煤层、采空区下伏成巷条件下进行了顶板支护设计,根据层间距在大于6 m,4 m-6 m以及2 m-4 m的三种不同范围,将该巷道进行分区,通过对顶板叠加梁结构进行分析与有效锚固层厚度计算,分别确定了在不同巷道区域内使用锚杆与注浆锚索为主的支护方案对巷道顶板进行加固,并结合现场工业性试验验证了该支护方案的合理性与有效性。
By analyzing the deformation and failure characteristics of roadway roof strata,the macro process and mechanical phenomenon of roof instability are obtained. According to the stratification characteristics of sedimentary strata of coal roadway roof,the mechanical model of superimposed beam is established. Based on the coordinated deformation and common bearing characteristics,the equivalent bearing stress,interlayer force and bolt/cable support strengthening parameters of each layered rock beam in the superimposed beam are solved. The supporting mechanism of bolt/cable on the superimposed beam structure is revealed. The bolt/cable on the superimposed beam structure optimizes the bearing stress distribution of each layer of roof with different bending stiffness,gives a full play to the mechanical bearing performance of each rock stratum,and controls the overall subsidence of the roof. In addition,it improves the cohesion and deformation modulus of the superimposed beam and indirectly strengthens the mechanical bearing strength of the overall anchored structure. According to the instability conditions of the superimposed beam support structure in different service stages,the effective anchorage state and the effective anchorage layer thickness of the roof support of coal roadway are proposed for evaluating the actual anchoring ability of the bolt/cable to the roof in roadway support. This forms the roof superimposed beam support theory of coal roadway. Based on the support theory,taking the return airway of the Ⅱ7324S working face of Renlou Coal Mine of Wanbei Coal Power Group as the engineering background,the roof support design is carried out under the conditions of ultra close coal seam and supporting roadway under goaf. The roadway is divided according to three different ranges of layer spacing more than 6,4-6 and 2-4 m. By analyzing the roof superimposed beam structure and calculating the effective anchor layer thickness,the support scheme based on anchor bolt and grouting anchor cable is determined to strengthen the roadway roof in different roadway areas,and the rationality and effectiveness of the support scheme are verified combined with the field industrial tests.
superimposed beam;coal measure roadway;mechanism of bolt support;“effective anchorage” state;effective anchorage layer thickness
1 煤系巷道顶板叠加梁力学分析
1.1 无支护条件下顶板内力分析
1.2 煤系巷道顶板叠加梁内力分析
1.3 锚杆支护对顶板叠加梁结构的强化分析
2 有效锚固层厚度的计算
2.1 煤系巷道顶板的临界失稳厚度
2.2 顶板叠加梁结构的有效锚固层厚度
2.3 有效锚固层厚度与支护校核函数影响因素
3 基于巷道顶板叠加梁理论的有效锚固层厚度计算及应用
3.1 工程地质条件
3.2 基于有效锚固层厚度计算的顶板支护设计
3.3 Ⅱ7324S工作面回风巷支护方案设计
3.4 巷道矿压显现特征
4 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会