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  • Title

    Effects of different Yellow River sediment filling reclaimed soil profiles on the distribution of elements in soil and crops

  • 作者


  • Author

    TANG Benling,HU Zhenqi,WANG Yaping

  • 单位

    中国地质科学院 国家地质实验测试中心中国矿业大学 环境与测绘学院

  • Organization
    National Research Center for Geoanalysis,Chinese Academy of Geological Science; School of Environment Science and Spatial Informatics,China University of Mining and Technology
  • 摘要

    利用黄河泥沙充填是滨黄河地区采煤沉陷地复垦的有效手段但是复垦的土地存在覆土不 足保水保肥性差农作物产量低等问题故需要开展黄河泥沙复垦采煤沉陷地土壤剖面重构技术 以及元素在不同剖面中的迁移转化研究以指导复垦工艺及后续的农田利用及管理。 本研究以黄 河泥沙为填充材料借鉴传统农业土壤剖面特点和现有充填复垦技术形成的土壤剖面特点综合考 虑表层覆土厚度等因素设计 种不同的土壤剖面构型:30 cm +70 cm 黄河泥沙50 cm 50 cm 黄河泥沙30 cm +40 cm 黄河泥沙+15 cm +15 cm 黄河泥沙50 cm +40 cm 黄河泥沙10 cm 。 通过室内土柱玉米栽培试验在玉米生长过程中表层施肥添加主量营养元素氮(N)、 (P)、(K)和表层灌水添加有害重金属元素铅(Pb)、(Cd)、(As)、(Hg)、(Cr),玉米生 长结束后从土柱表层开始以 10 cm 为单位采集土柱样品并采集玉米植株样品测试其中的 NP, KPbCdAsHgCr 含量。 研究发现具有相同覆土厚度的剖面构型 和剖面构型 3剖面构型 和剖面构型 4各元素的分布规律整体比较相似但由于剖面构型 增加了中间夹心土层剖面构 型 增加了底层土层增强了对元素的吸附作用对 N的保持作用增强;在所有剖面中未见明 显规律;重金属被吸附在表层在所有剖面构型中规律一致。 在作物实验中增加中间夹心土层的 剖面构型 有利于 N的保留;主要由玉米吸收在土壤中几乎无保留;玉米中的重金属属于较 弱吸收污染风险较低。 分析实验用的土壤及黄河泥沙的粒度分布pH有机质及矿物组成由于 黄河泥沙粒度较大pH 较低有机质含量较低且黏土矿物成分包括绿泥石和伊利石等含量较低不 利于元素的保留故增加了中间夹心土层的剖面构型有利于肥力水分的保持但是考虑到复垦工 艺的操作难度建议采用剖面构型 3(30 cm +40 cm 黄河泥沙+15 cm +15 cm 黄河泥沙)。

  • Abstract

    The use of Yellow River sediment as filling material in the mining subsided area along Yellow River can not only provide sufficient and safe filling materials, but also play a certain role in the dredging of Yellow River. However,there are some problems such as insufficient cover soil,poor water and fertilizer conservation and low crop yield in the reclaimed land filled with Yellow River sediment. Therefore,it is necessary to carry out the research on the soil profile reconstruction technology and the migration and transformation of elements in different soil profiles of the reclaimed land filled with Yellow River sediment,so as to guide the reclamation process and subsequent farmland utili⁃ zation and management. Based on the characteristics of the traditional agricultural soil profile and the soil profile formed by the existing filling reclamation techniques,and the factors such as the thickness of surface cover soil, four different soil profile configurations were designed,including the 30 cm soil 70 cm Yellow River sediment,the 50 cm soil 50 cm Yellow River sediment,the 30 cm soil 40 cm Yellow River sediment 15 cm soil 15 cm Yellow River sediment and the 50 cm soil 40 cm Yellow River sediment 10 cm soil. Through the indoor soil col⁃ umn corn cultivation experiment,during the growth of corn,the main nutrient elements such as nitrogen(N),phosphor⁃ us(P),potassium(K)were added by fertilizing on the column surface and some harmful heavy metal elements such as lead( Pb), cadmium ( Cd), arsenic ( As), mercury ( Hg) and chromium ( Cr) were added by surface watering. After the growth of corn,the soil samples were collected from the surface of the soil column in 10 cm units,and the samples of corn plants were collected to test the contents of N,P,K,Pb,Cd,As,Hg and Cr. It is found that the profile of the same surface soil thickness such as profile configuration 1 and 3, the distribution law of each element is similar. However,due to the addition of central interlayer in the profile configuration 3,which enhances the adsorption of elements,the retention of N and P is enhanced. In the profile configuration 2 and 4,although the overall law of each element is similar,the configuration 4 increases the bottom layer of 10 cm soil layer,and the retention of N and P is enhanced. The distribution of K in all configurations is no regular. While heavy metals are adsorbed on the surface lay⁃ er,the law of heavy metals distribution of all configurations are same and the Cd migration is slightly stronger. Com⁃ pared with the profile configuration 1 and the profile configuration 2, the content of N and P nutrient elements in the maize plants of profile configuration 3 is relatively high. In terms of maintaining soil fertility and promoting plant growth,the profile configuration 3 has a great advantage. In the crop experiments,the increase of soil thickness is beneficial to the retention of N and P. The K is mainly absorbed by corn and is almost unretained in the soil. Heav⁃ y metals in maize are weakly absorbed and the pollution risk is low. The particle size distribution,pH,organic matter and mineral composition of the soil and Yellow River sediment are analyzed. Due to the larger particle size,lower pH, and lower organic matter content of Yellow River sediment,the lower content of clay minerals including chlorite and il⁃ lite,it is not conducive to the retention of elements. Thus,increasing the profile configuration of the middle sandwich soil layer is beneficial to the retention of fertility and moisture. However,due to the difficulty of the reclamation process,it is recommended to adopt the profile configuration 3(30 cm soil 40 cm Yellow River sediment +15 cm soil +15 cm Yellow River sediment).

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Yellow River sediment;soil profile;nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium;heavy metal;distribution of elements

  • 引用格式
    唐本玲,胡振琪,王亚平. 不同黄河泥沙充填复垦土壤剖面对土壤与作物中元素分布的影响[ J] . 煤炭学报,2021,46(S2):915-924.
  • Citation
    TANG Benling,HU Zhenqi,WANG Yaping,et al. Effects of different Yellow River sediment filling reclaimed soil 移动阅读 profiles on the distribution of elements in soil and crops[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(S2):915-924.
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