• 全部
  • Title

    Technique of reclaiming subsided land with Yellow River sediments in the form of spaced strips

  • 作者


  • Author

    HU Zhen-qi1 ,SHAO Fang1 ,DUO Ling-hua1 ,WU Shan-yuan2 ,LI Xing-yu1 ,Kevin McSweeney3

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学(北京)土地复垦与生态重建研究所山东能源临沂矿业集团有限责任公司邱集煤矿Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Science,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  • Organization
    1. Institute of Land Reclamation and Ecological Restoration,China University of Mining and Technology ( Beijing),Beijing  100083,China;2. Qiuji Coal Mine,Shandong Energy Linyi Mining Group Co. ,Ltd. ,Dezhou  251105,China;3. Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Science,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,Illinois  61801,USA
  • 摘要
    为研究黄河泥沙充填采煤沉陷地复垦新技术,选取山东省德州市邱集煤矿采煤沉陷地为研究对象,提出了间隔条带式充填采煤沉陷地复垦技术工艺流程并进行实践,通过研究复垦农田地貌景观、土壤剖面、复垦土壤理化性质以及复垦农田生产力,揭示复垦新技术工艺的优越性。结果表明:黄河泥沙间隔条带式一次性充填采煤沉陷地复垦技术可行,土地复垦率为100%,耕地面积恢复率可达95.12%;技术实现表土和心土的分别剥离与回填,构造出与原有农田相似的上部60 cm土层结构,具有较好保水性和持水性,但在覆土过程中存在机械压实情况,具有较高的密度和较低的孔隙度;复垦农田覆盖土壤p H值较高,覆土层属于中度盐土,其基本不缺全磷、全钾(中高水平),轻度缺少速效钾状态(中级水平),缺少速效氮、有效磷、有机质(低级水平)和严重缺少全氮(极低水平),因此在复垦农田耕种过程中注意施加氮肥和有机肥;实地测产发现,复垦农田玉米产量(11 961.07 kg/hm2)与对照农田产量(13 032.80 kg/hm2)无显著差异(P
  • Abstract
    Subsidence is one of the most serious ecological and environmental problems in eastern China,and the main purpose of subsided land reclamation in these areas is to restore into farmland. The new technique of reclaiming subsi- ded land with Yellow River sediments in the form of spaced strips was used in Qiuji Coal Mine,Shandong Province. The technique process,reclaimed landscape,soil profiles,soil physical and chemical properties,and productivity were researched. The results shown that 100% of subsided land could be reclaimed,and more than 95. 12% was cultivated land. Water-holding capacity of 60 cm soil covered on the sediment layer of reclaimed farmland was suitable to crops growth,but soil bulk density was higher and porosity was lower than control farmland due to mechanical compaction.Reclaimed farmland had higher pH values and lower EC content than control farmland where was available for crop growth. According to the standard classification of the Second Soil Survey of China,the contents of available nitrogen, available phosphorus and organic matter of soil in reclaimed farmland were in a low level;and the content of available potassium was in a medium level;the content of total nitrogen was in a very low level;and the content of total phos- phorus and total potassium were in a medium-high level. Therefore,the farmland should apply organic and nitrogen fer- tilizer before plant crops. The field investigation showed that the reclaimed and control farmland had the same corn yield. The research showed that the technique of reclaiming subsided land with Yellow River sediments in the form of spaced strips was feasible in a large-scale subsided area,and this case in Qiuji Coal Mine also could be a specific ex- ample for the reclamation of mining subsidence land with Yellow River sediment.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    land reclamation;mining subsided land;Yellow River sediment;soil reconstrcution;farmland productivity

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    Hu Zhenqi,Shao Fang,Duo Linghua,et al. Technique of reclaiming subsided land with Yellow River sediments in the form of spaced strips [J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(3):557-566.
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