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  • Title

    Research on edge computing mode in coal mine safety monitoring and control system

  • 作者

    屈世甲 武福生 贺耀宜

  • Author

    QU Shijia,WU Fusheng,HE Yaoyi

  • 单位


  • Organization
    CCTEG Changzhou Research Institute;Tiandi(Changzhou) Automation CO,Ltd.
  • 摘要

    针对煤矿现有监测监控体系下井下融合度不高,现场灾害分析和联动处理能力缺乏,无法满足监测监控深度融合需要的问题。对标智慧矿山建设中安全保障方面对监测监控体系的要求,论述了建立深度融合监测监控体系的必要性。分析了边缘计算技术在煤矿监测监控体系中的适用性,提出了建立基于云、边、端三级的煤矿监测监控体系架构,增加“端”侧传感信息的采集和第一级安全分析预警并实现区域联动功能。提出了煤矿监测监控体系中设置两级边缘节点的模式,分析指出边缘网关是当前更为关注的边缘计算节点。结合EdgeX Foundry平台架构对智能边缘网关的硬件平台和软件平台设计提出了构想,设计了煤矿安全监控系统边缘网关的整体架构。以煤矿工作面外因火灾为例,分析了现有监测监控体系和基于边缘计算监测监控体系下对火灾信息采集、分析预警和灾变处置的不同流程,将原有的火灾9步处理流程优化为4步处理流程,分析认为基于边缘计算的监测监控体系在系统井下深度融合、区域安全融合分析和处置方面相比较现有监测监控体系都有一定的优势。

  • Abstract

    In view of the low degree of underground integration in the existing monitoring and control system of coal mines, the lack of on-site disaster analysis and linkage processing capabilities, and the inability to meet the needs of deep integration of monitoring and control, based on the requirements for the monitoring and control system in the aspect of safety guarantee in the construction of smart mines, the necessity to establish the depth of integration monitoring and control system was put forward. The applicability edge computing technology in the coal mine monitoring and control system was analyzed, and the establishment of a coal mine monitoring and control system based on cloud, edge and end was proposed, and the collection of “end” side sensing information and the first-level security analysis and early warning were added and the regional linkage function was realized. A mode of setting up two-level edge nodes in the coal mine monitoring and control system was proposed, analysis points out that the edge gateway is the edge computing node that is currently more concerned. Combined with the EdgeX Foundry platform architecture, the design of the hardware platform and software platform of the intelligent edge gateway design was put forward, and the overall architecture of the edge gateway of the coal mine safety monitoring system was designed.Taking the fire outside the coal mine face as an example, the different processes of fire information collection, analysis and early warning and disaster disposal under the existing monitoring and monitoring system and the monitoring and monitoring system based on edge computing were analyzed, and the original 9-step fire treatment process was optimized to a 4-step treatment process. The analysis shows that the monitoring and control system based on edge computing has certain advantages compared to the existing monitoring and control system in terms of deep integration of the system, regional safety integration analysis and disposal.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    edge computing; edge gateway; monitoring and control;data analysis;fire monitoring

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