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  • Title

    An investigation on the graphitization of lowrank coal:Evolutional characteristics of aromatic structure

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Xiaomei,WANG Shaoqing,CHEN Hao,LI Xueqi,ZHANG Yixiu

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Geoscience and Surveying Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing,Beijing100083,China
  • 摘要

    石墨因其特殊属性及结构赋予的优越性能而被应用广泛。 煤炭是碳的富集物在制备石墨 等碳材料方面颇具潜力。 以低变质程度且富惰质体的榆家梁煤(YJL5)为研究对象对其进行高温 热处理对不同温度下样品进行 X-射线衍射(XRD)测试及扫描电子显微镜(SEM)表征以探讨在 热处理过程中的芳香结构演化规律及形貌特征揭示低煤级富惰质体煤芳香结构向石墨结构演化 的轨迹及规律并分析煤中灰分对芳香结构的影响。 结果表明低煤级富惰质体煤 YJL5 制备石墨 的石墨化度>80%可作为制备石墨的原材料煤种来源;YJL5 石墨化产物以棒状石墨为主其由层 状薄膜组成。 微观形貌特征显示棒状石墨的生长模式与结构参数揭示的微晶结构尺寸的生长模式 一致。 随着石墨化温度升高YJL5芳香层结构尺寸(LaLc)增大芳香结构横向拼接作用和纵向堆 砌作用同时发生。 室温~1 800 °C以碳化作用为主非碳元素逐渐以挥发分形式排出碳元素逐 渐富集该阶段芳香结构增长以横向拼接作用为主。 温度高于 1 800 °C 层间距 d002 <0.344 0 nm石 墨结构初步形成。 随着温度升高芳香结构增长先以纵向堆砌作用为主(1 800~2 250 °C),然后以 横向拼接作用为主(2 250~2 850 °C)。 YJL5 中灰分对其石墨化具有一定的促进作用但对芳香层 横向拼接和纵向堆砌影响效果不同。 1 800 ~ 2 850 °C 未脱灰煤样的 L大于脱灰煤样可知 YJL5 中灰分对其芳香层横向增长具有持续显著的促进作用。 未脱灰煤样 L仅在温度低于 2 250 °C 时大 于脱灰煤样高于 2 250 °C 后比脱灰煤样的 L更小可知 YJL5 中灰分对芳香层纵向增长的促进作 用主要在 1 800~2 250 °C高于 2 250 °C时无显著促进作用

  • Abstract

    Specific properties and structures of graphite contribute to its advantageous performance, which makes graphite to be widely applied in various fields. Coal is the carrier of carbon enrichment, so it is potential for coal to manufacture carbon materials, such as graphite. A lowrank and inertiniterich coal (YJL5) from YJL mine is selected as an object and a high temperature treatment (HTT) is conducted. A X-ray diffraction (XRD) is used to reveal aromatic structural evolution and the effects of minerals. A scanning electron microscope (SEM) is applied to reveal the micromorphological features of samples at different temperatures. The effects of minerals in the YJL5 on the aromatic structural evolution are also discussed. It will provide alternative and fundamental for preparing carbon materials, including graphite. It will be useful information for synthetic graphite from lowrank and inertiniterich coal. Results show that it is feasible to manufacture graphite from lowrank coal, and the graphitization degree of the YJL5 is >80%. Most of the hightemperaturetreated products are rodlike graphite. The rodlike graphite is composed of thin layered films. The growth and formation of rodlike graphite are corresponding with the growth of crystalline revealed by XRD. With increasing temperature, the sizes of crystalline width and height (L a, L c) enlarge, the horizontal enlargement of crystalline width and vertical stacking of crystalline height develop simultaneously. The carbonization develops mainly from ambient to 1 800 ℃, noncarbon elements are diminished in the forms of volatiles, while carbon is enriched gradually. During this stage, the horizontal enlargement of crystalline width is prevailing. When the temperature is >1 800 ℃, the d 002 value begins to <0.344 0 nm, and graphitic structure is preliminarily formed. With increasing temperature, the prevailing enlargement of crystalline height (1 800-2 250 ℃)gradually turns into prevailing enlargement of crystalline width(2 250-2 850 ℃). Minerals in the YJL5 show a positive effects on its graphitization, but differences exist between growth in horizontal width and vertical height of crystalline. Samples without demineralization show larger La values than that of [JP2]demineralized samples from 1 800-2 850 ℃, the minerals in the YJL5 have positive effect on the enlargement of aromatic structural width. Samples without demineralization show larger Lc values than that of demineralized samples from 1 800-2 250 ℃, and the Lc values of nondemineralized samples are even smaller than that of demineralized samples when >2 250 ℃. Minerals in YJL5 show a positive effect on the stacking of aromatic structural height from 1 800-2 250 ℃. When temperature >2 250 ℃, no obvious positive effect is observed.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    aromatic structure,graphitization,low rank coal,inertinite rich coal,high temperature treatment

  • 引用格式
    张小梅,王绍清,陈昊,等. 低煤级煤的石墨化研究:芳香结构演化特征[J]. 煤炭学报,2022,47(7):2797-2807.
  • Citation
    ZHANG Xiaomei,WANG Shaoqing,CHEN Hao,et al. An investigation on the graphitization of lowrank coal:Evolutional characteristics of aromatic structure[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(7):2768-2778.
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