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地震作用下 NPR 锚索固坡效应振动台试验研究
  • Title

    Shaking table test on the effect of NPR anchor cable on slope reinforcement under earthquake

  • 作者


  • Author

    TAO Zhigang,WANG Xuan,GUO Aipeng,CHEN Jiayu,SHU Yu

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学(北京) 深部岩土力学与地下工程国家重点实验室中国矿业大学(北京) 力学与建筑工程学院自然资源部地质环境监测工程技术创新中心

  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics & Deep Underground Engineering,China University of Mining & Technology-Beijing; School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering,China University of Mining & Technology-Beijing;Technology Innovation Center for Geological Environment Monitoring,MNR
  • 摘要

    为研究恒阻大变形(NPR)锚索在地震作用下的吸能特性和动力响应规律总结地震作用 下无支护边坡发生破坏的一般规律利用振动台开展地震条件下无支护边坡以及 NPR 锚索支护边 坡的振动台对比试验。 结果表明:相同工况下经过 NPR 锚索支护后的边坡变形破坏情况以及岩土 体的破碎程度与无支护边坡相比改善显著NPR 锚索支护边坡的最终破坏程度也远低于无支护边 坡表明 NPR 锚索在地震作用下具有良好的吸能特性能够通过吸收地震释放能量的方式增强边 坡的整体性降低坡体破坏程度为边坡提供有效支护;分析 NPR 锚索在试验全程的轴力变化情 况发现在地震惯性力的反复作用下锚索内恒阻结构产生疲劳效应导致轴力下降随着施加振动 荷载强度不断提高轴力下降到一定数值后便不再发生明显变化可认为在地震作用下 NPR 锚索 的锚固特性始终存在仍能对边坡提供有效支护;分析同一工况下 NPR 锚索支护边坡与无支护边 坡各测点 PGA 放大系数的变化趋势发现 NPR 锚索用于边坡支护工程中时可以很好的限制坡体 变形对于滑坡位移具有一定的控制能力;根据试验现象及动力响应分析将地震作用下无支护边 坡破坏过程分为 个阶段:张拉裂缝产生及坡顶松动阶段裂缝持续发展阶段滑动面贯通坡体崩 塌溃坏阶段

  • Abstract

    In order to study the energy absorption characteristics and dynamic response law of constant resistance large deformation (NPR) anchor cable under earthquake, and summarize the general law of unsupported slope failure under earthquake, the shaking table comparison test of unsupported slope and NPR anchor cable supported slope un⁃ der earthquake is carried out by using shaking table. Under the same working conditions, the improvement in deforma⁃ tion and damage of slopes supported by the NPR anchor cables and the fragmentation of rock⁃soil mass are obvious, compared with unsupported slopes. And the final damage degree of the NPR anchor cable supported slope is also much lower than that of the unsupported slope. It indicates that the NPR anchor rope has a good energy absorption property under the action of the earthquake, which can strengthen the integrity of the slope by absorbing the energy re⁃ leased by the earthquake, so as to reduce the degree of damage to the slope and provide effective support for the slope. By analyzing the axial force change of the NPR anchor cable in the whole test process, it is found that under the re⁃ peated actions of seismic inertia force, the axial force declines due to the fatigue effect of the constant⁃resistance struc⁃ ture within the anchor cables. With a continuous increase in the intensity of the vibration load applied, the axial force has no obvious change after decreasing to a certain value. It can be considered that the anchorage characteristics of the NPR anchor cable always exist under the action of earthquake, and it can still provide an effective support for the slope. After analyzing the variation trends of PGA amplification factors of each measuring point on slopes sup⁃ ported by the NPR anchor cables and on unsupported slopes under the same working conditions, it is found that when used in slope⁃supporting projects, the NPR anchor cables can effectively restrict slope deformation. Based on the ex⁃ perimental phenomena and dynamic response analysis, the decaying process of unsupported slopes under earthquake actions is divided into three stages: tension crack generation and slope top loosening stage, crack continuous develop⁃ ment stage, and sliding surface through slope collapse stage.

  • 关键词

    边坡工程NPR 锚索振动台试验地震响应破坏机理

  • KeyWords

    slope engineering;NPR cables;shaking table test;seismic response;destruction mechanism

  • 引用格式
    陶志刚,王璇,郭爱鹏,等.地震作用下 NPR 锚索固坡效应振动台试验研究[J].煤炭学报,2022,47(9):3410-3420.
  • Citation
    TAO Zhigang,WANG Xuan,GUO Aipeng,et al.Shaking table test on the effect of NPR anchor cable on slope re⁃ inforcement under earthquake[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(9):3410-3420.
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