Differences and connections between mining seismicity and coal bursts in coal mines and preliminary study on coal bursts induced by mining seismicity
ZHU Jianbo,MA Binwen,XIE Heping,GAO Feng,ZHOU Hongwei, ZHOU Changtai,ZHENG Furun
深圳大学 广东省深地科学与地热能开发利用重点实验室深圳大学 深地科学与绿色能源研究院中国矿业大学(北京) 力学与建筑工程学院中国矿业大学 深部岩土力学与地下工程国家重点实验室中国矿业大学(北京) 能源与矿业学院
煤矿矿震与冲击地压是煤炭安全稳定开采所面临的关键问题,阐明煤矿矿震与冲击地压的 区别和联系是全面深入研究煤矿动力灾害的重要前提。 为解决矿震与冲击地压的概念模糊问题, 厘清矿震与冲击地压的区别与联系,获取矿震的本真特征,首先提出了矿震的定义与特点,并根据 岩体的基本破裂形式对煤矿矿震进行了分类,系统阐述了煤矿矿震与冲击地压在岩体破断空间分 布、能量释放与动力现象的位置对应关系、主要动力显现特征、从属关系与防治目标 5 个方面存在 的区别。 分析了矿震扰动导致的围岩性能劣化与围岩结构变化对冲击地压的影响,基于矿震扰动 荷载应变率阐明了研究矿震诱发冲击地压的理论基础,探明了张拉型矿震与剪切型矿震扰动作用 下围岩位移场的分布特征,分析了矿震扰动位移与冲击地压的关系。 研究结果表明,震动性是矿震 的首要特点,这是区别于冲击地压的首要方面。 矿震震动波对采掘空间围岩产生的静载或动载扰 动作用,都可能诱发冲击地压。 应以叠加原理为理论基础分析矿震静载作用诱发冲击地压,以工程 扰动岩石动力学和动静载叠加原理为理论基础分析矿震动载扰动诱发冲击地压。 矿震扰动作用方 向和强度与煤岩体空间方位具有很强的相关性。
Mining seismicity and coal bursts are key problems in safe and stable coal mining. It is an important prereq⁃ uisite for further studying the dynamic disasters of coal mines to clearly understand the mining seismicity and the coal burst. In order to overcome the fuzzy concept of mining seismicity and coal bursts,clarify the differences and connec⁃ tions between mining seismicity and coal bursts and obtain the true characteristics of mining seismicity,the definition and the characteristics of the mining seismicity are first proposed. The mining seismicity is classified based on the bas⁃ ic rupture forms of rock mass. Differences between mining seismicity and coal bursts are systematically explained in terms of the location of the rock fracture,the correspondence relationship between energy release and dynamic process,the main characteristic of dynamic processes,the subordination,and the prevention goals. The influence of seismic wave disturbances and the changes in surrounding rock structures caused by mining seismicity on coal bursts is explained. The theoretical basis of the coal bursts induced by mining seismicity is illustrated based on the strain rate of disturbances. Meanwhile,the distribution characteristics of disturbance displacement fields of tensile mining seismic⁃ ity and shear mining seismicity are investigated,and the relationship between the disturbance displacement of mining seismicity and coal bursts is analyzed. The research results show that vibratility is the main feature of mining seismici⁃ ty,which is the primary difference from coal bursts. A static or dynamic disturbance on the surrounding rock caused by mining seismicity can cause coal bursts. The coal bursts induced by the static loading should be analyzed based on the superposition principle,and the coal bursts induced by the dynamic loading should be analyzed based on the engineering disturbance rock dynamics and the theory of coupled static⁃dynamic loading. A good correlation between the direction and the intensity of disturbances and the spatial orientation of surrounding rocks is observed.
coal burst;mining seismicity;strain rate;exploitation disturbance
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会