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  • Title

    Shallow destruction and movement characteristics of the inner dumping site under rainfall

  • 作者

    朱永东王雪冬孙延峰王 翠刘光伟

  • Author

    ZHU Yongdong,WANG Xuedong,SUN Yanfeng,WANG Cui,LIU Guangwei

  • 单位

    辽宁工程技术大学 矿业学院中冶沈勘工程技术有限公司

  • Organization
    1.College of Mining,Liaoning Technical University;2.Shen Kan Engineering & Technology Corporation
  • 摘要

    降雨条件下内排土场易产生侵蚀和浅层滑坡揭示浅层滑坡启动与运动特征是内排土场浅 层滑坡机理研究的基础。 以内蒙古元宝山露天煤矿内排土场为原型根据相似理论进行物理模拟 试验研究内排土场浅层破坏特征。 在考虑实际非饱和浸润层的基础上推导改进的 Green-Ampt 降雨入渗模型和内排土场稳定性分析方程并划分边坡稳定系数对雨水入渗深度的敏感程度阶段。 借助离散元方法MatDEM) ,构建降雨入渗与浅层滑坡模型模拟内排土场降雨入渗和浅层滑坡的 全过程并从动力学角度探究浅层滑坡的破坏特征。 研究结果表明:降雨入渗条件下内排土场坡 面侵蚀从溅蚀凹槽到径流或面流。 随着雨水的进一步入渗浸润峰以上土体开始整体失稳并呈浅 层破坏特征。 越趋于饱和的无黏性土体越易呈现颗粒流且越早滑动从而表现为侵蚀现象。 根据 雨水入渗深度内排土场稳定系数的变化可划分为高敏感敏感削弱和低敏感 个阶段。 降雨前期 雨水主要以入渗为主但随着雨水入渗深度的逐渐加深水分运移路径也逐渐加大降雨后期雨水 的入渗速率也逐渐减低。 浅层滑坡时内排土场各层土体均呈现出运动速度迅速增加并保持短时 的快速运动然后逐渐减小最后逐渐趋于稳定的规律。 滑坡表层前缘土体的运动速度始终比底 层后缘高滑动期间由势能转换来的大部分动能被滑带附近的摩擦所消散。 持续的降雨会产生新 的饱和层和浸润层进而使浅层滑坡持续发生。 可以添加化工材料到坡表土来增加表层土黏性进 而降低浅层滑坡中的坡面侵蚀规模。 应以较缓坡度对内排土场边坡进行堆积这会有效地在浅层 滑坡过程中降低滑坡体的动能积攒且增加滑坡体间的摩擦损耗。 获得的内排土场稳定性分析方法 与浅层滑坡运动特征可为内排土场防灾减灾工作的开展提供参考

  • Abstract
    Under a rainfall condition,the inner dump of a surface mine is prone to erosion and shallow landslide.Re⁃ vealing the initiation and movement characteristics of shallow landslide is the basis for studying the mechanism of shal⁃ low landslide in the inner dump of a surface mine. Taking the inner dump of Yuanbaoshan opencast coal mine in Inner Mongolia as an example,various physical simulation tests based on similarity theory were conducted to investi⁃ gate the shallow failure characteristics of the inner dump. After considering actual unsaturated infiltration layer,the im⁃ proved Green⁃Ampt rainfall infiltration model and the stability analysis equation of the inner dump were derived, and the sensitivity stages of the slope stability coefficient to the rainfall infiltration depth were divided. With the aid of the discrete element method (MatDEM),a rainfall infiltration and shallow landslide model was constructed,which simulated the whole process of rainfall infiltration and shallow landslide in the inner dump,and explored the fail⁃ ure characteristics of shallow landslide from the perspective of dynamics. The results show that under the rainfall infil⁃ tration conditions, the slope erosion of the inner dump changed from splash erosion groove to runoff or surface flow. With the further infiltration of rainfall,the soil above the infiltration peak began to lose stability as a whole and showed some shallow failure characteristics. The more saturated cohesionless soil tended to exhibit particle flow and slide earlier,thus manifesting themselves as erosion. According to the rainwater infiltration depth,the change of the slope stability coefficient could be divided into three stages:high sensitivity,weakened sensitivity and low sensitivity. The early rainwater was mainly infiltration,but as the depth of rainwater infiltration gradually deepened,the wa⁃ ter transport path gradually lengthened,and the infiltration rate of the later rainwater gradually decreases. At the stage of shallow landslide, all layers of soil in the inner dump showed the rule that the movement speed increased rapidly,maintained short⁃term rapid movement,then gradually decreased,and finally tended to be stable. The movement speed of the landslide surface and front edge soil was always higher than that of the bottom and trailing edge,and most of the kinetic energy converted from potential energy during sliding was dissipated by friction near the sliding zone. Continued rainfall produced new saturated and infiltrated layers,and then shallow landslide would contin⁃ ue to occur. Chemical materials could be added to the slope topsoil to increase the topsoil viscosity,thereby reduc⁃ ing the scale of slope erosion in shallow landslide. The inner dump slope should be stacked at a gentle gradient,which would effectively reduce the kinetic energy accumulation of landslides and increase the friction loss between land⁃ slides during shallow landslide. The obtained stability analysis method and shallow landslide movement characteristics of the inner dump could provide reference for the development of the inner dump disaster prevention and reduction.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    dumping site;rainfall infiltration;shallow landslide;movement characteristics;MatDEM

  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    ZHU Yongdong,WANG Xuedong,SUN Yanfeng,et al.Shallow destruction and movement characteristics of the
    inner dumping site under rainfall[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(12):4431-4442.
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