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  • Title

    Experimental study on fluoride removal from mine water bycomplexing-induction fluoride removal agent

  • 作者


  • Author

    GUO Zhongquan;ZHENG Lixiang;XU Xufeng;GAO Jie;ZHENG Pengsheng;XIAO Yan;ZHOU Rulu

  • 单位


  • Organization
    CCTEG Hangzhou Research Institute Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
    在我国西部和西北部生态脆弱地区,煤矿矿井水处理后可作为生活用水或外排至重要地表水系,其中氟化物(以 F-计)排放浓度要求小于 1.0 mg / L。 针对吸附法去除矿井水中氟化物存在的工艺复杂、操作管理困难和出水水质不稳定等问题,采用络合诱导除氟剂进行了除氟实验研究,考察了络合诱导除氟剂投加量、反应时间、pH 和浊度等主要因素对矿井水中氟化物去除效果的影响,并分析了络合诱导除氟剂的除氟机理。 结果表明:络合诱导除氟剂是通过络合吸附和化学诱导作用捕获矿井水中离子态的氟化物,形成共混沉淀物达到除氟的目的;当络合诱导除氟剂投加量 45 mg / L、反应时间 12 min、pH 8~9 和原水浊度小于 100 NTU 时,模拟配水中氟离子浓度可从5 mg / L降至 1.0 mg / L 以下。 共存离子中的碳酸根离子对除氟效果影响明显,硫酸根离子影响次之,氯离子没有明显影响;矿井水连续除氟试验中,出水氟离子浓度可稳定至 0.75~0.90 mg/ L,浊度为 8.2~10.0 NTU。
  • Abstract
    In ecologically fragile areas of western and northwestern China, where coal mine water is re⁃used as domestic water or discharged into surface water systems after treatment (the discharge concen⁃tration of fluoride (F-) is less than 1.0 mg / L). In order to solve the disadvantages of adsorption tech⁃nology such as complicated process, difficult operation and management and unstable effluent quality,an experiment was carried out to remove fluoride by complexing-induction fluoride removal agent. Theeffects of dosage, reaction time, pH value and turbidity on fluoride removal were investigated, and thedefluorination mechanism was analyzed. The results showed that the complexing-induction fluoride re⁃moval agent could capture ionic fluoride in mine water through the complex adsorption and chemical in⁃duction, and finally form blended precipitates to remove fluoride. When the dosage of the fluoride re⁃moval agent was 45 mg / L, reaction time was 12 min, pH value was 8~9 and the turbidity of raw waterwas less than 100 NTU, the concentration of fluoride ions in the simulateds mine water could be re⁃duced from 5 mg / L to less than 1.0 mg / L. Carbonate ions affected fluoride removal significantly, fol⁃lowed by sulfate ions, while chloride ions had no obvious influence. In the continuous experiment offluoride removal from mine water, the concentration of fluoride in the effluent was 0.75 ~ 0.90 mg / L,and the turbidity was 8.2~10.0 NTU.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Complexing-induction fluoride removal agent; Mine water with fluoride; Mine water treat⁃ment; Fluoride removal mechanism

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    郭中权, 郑利祥, 徐旭峰, 等. 络合诱导除氟剂去除矿井水中氟离子实验研究[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023,37(1): 42-49.
  • Citation
    GUO Zhongquan, ZHENG Lixiang, XU Xufeng, et al. Experimental study on fluoride removal from mine water bycomplexing-induction fluoride removal agent[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(1): 42-49.
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