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基于大样本的露天开采植被扰动范围一般性统计规律 ——— 以神东煤炭基地为例
  • Title

    General statistical rules of vegetation disturbance range by open-pit mining based on a large sample:A case study of Shendong coal base

  • 作者

    李军彭传盈张成业李全生张 凯刘举庆马雪松

  • Author

    LI Jun,PENG Chuanying,ZHANG Chengye,LI Quansheng,ZHANG Kai,LIU Juqing1,MA Xuesong

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学(北京) 地球科学与测绘工程学院国家能源投资集团有限责任公司国能神东煤炭集团有限责任公司 煤炭开采水资源保护与利用国家重点实验室

  • Organization
    College of Geoscience and Surveying Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing,Beijing 100083,China;2.National Energy Investment Group Co.,Ltd.;State Key Laboratory of Water Resource Protection and Utilization in Coal Mining,China Energy Shendong Coal Group Co.,Ltd.
  • 摘要

    露天开采对植被的扰动范围对于矿区生态环境治理与修复具有重要意义。 现有研究主要 以单个或若干个煤矿为研究对象,所得结论仅能反映个体煤矿的特点,缺乏对区域尺度上大量露天 煤矿的开采扰动一般性规律研究,难以在实践中推广使用。 针对上述问题,本研究根据临近煤矿分 布特点与生态扰动类型,定义了 种类型的露天煤矿区 OD-NDVI 曲线(Orientation Distance - Nor- malized Difference Vegetation Index Curve),包括负独立型曲线”、“负密集型曲线”、“正独立型曲 线正密集型曲线”,并提出了基于 OD-NDVI 曲线的开采植被扰动距离提取方法,包括数据预 处理OD-NDVI 曲线提取曲线分类与开采扰动距离识别 个主要步骤。 以神东煤炭基地 106 个 露天煤矿为研究对象,提取所有煤矿的开采扰动距离并进行定量统计分析,揭示了研究区露天开采 对植被扰动范围的一般性统计规律。 结果如下:采用 Shapiro-Wilk 统计检验方法进行显著性检 验,发现神东煤炭基地露天煤矿的开采扰动距离符合正态分布(R=0.95),开采扰动距离大多在均 值 1 214 m 附近,且 68.26%的开采扰动距离分布在[939.05 m,1 488.71 m](均值的 倍标准差 内);借助箱线图统计,揭示了露天煤矿的开采扰动距离存在有界性特点,最大值为2 025 m,最 小值为 600 m,仅有 0.13%的开采扰动距离大于 2 038.37 m(超过均值 倍标准差);通过分析露 天煤矿在 个方向上开采扰动距离的变异系数,发现其开采扰动距离存在显著的方向异质性70.7%的煤矿方向开采扰动距离存在较强或中等方向异质性,仅有 29.3%存在弱方向异质性;通 过拟合建模分析,发现开采扰动距离与实际年产煤量存在显著的对数模型关系(R0.613),随着 煤矿的年产煤量增长,其开采扰动距离呈对数增加,但在年产煤量增加至 232 万 ,年产煤量对 扰动距离无明显影响作用。 基于大样本露天煤矿的统计分析结果具有更强的普适性和精细度,有 望为干旱半干旱煤矿区的分级分区治理精准修复生产计划优化等提供科学指导

  • Abstract

    The range of vegetation disturbance by open-pit mining is of theoretical and practical significance for the ec- ological management and restoration of mining areas. The current researches mainly focus on a single coal mine or sev- eral coal mines,and the conclusions obtained only reflect the characteristics of particular coal mines,lacking of the in- vestigation of general patterns of mining disturbance for a large number of open-pit coal mines at a regional scale, which is difficult to be promoted and used in practice. In terms of above problems,four types of OD-NDVI (Orienta- tion Distance - Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) curves for open-pit coal mines are defined based on the distri- bution characteristics of adjacent coal mines and the type of ecological disturbance, including “ negative independent curve”,“negative dense curve”,“positive independent curve” and “positive dense curve”. Also,a dis- tance extracting method for vegetation disturbance by mining based on the OD-NDVI curves is proposed,which in- cludes four main steps: data pre-processing, OD NDVI curve extraction, curve classification and mining disturb- ance distance identification. In a case study,all mining disturbance distances were extracted and statistically analyzed with 106 open-pit coal mines in the Shendong coal base,which revealed the general statistical patterns of vegeta- tion disturbance range by open-pit mining in the study area. The results are as follows:1 The Shapiro-Wilk for signifi- cance test shows that the mining disturbance distance of the open-pit coal mines in the Shendong coal base obeys a normal distribution (R=0.95),with most of the mining disturbance distance around the mean value of 1 214 m,and 68.26% of the mining disturbance distance is distributed in the range of [939.05 m,1 488.71 m] (within the mean value with one time of the standard deviation). 2 There are bounded characteristics of mining disturbance distances in open-pit coal mines by using the box plot statistics,with a maximum value of 2 025 m and a minimum value of 600 m,and only 0. 13% of mining disturbance distances are greater than 2 038. 37 m ( above the mean value with three times of the standard deviation). 3 Through analyzing the coefficient of variation of mining disturbance dis- tances in eight directions in open pit coal mines,a significant directional heterogeneity has been observed in the direc- tional mining disturbance distances of the open-pit coal mines,with strong or moderate directional heterogeneity in 70.7% of the mines and weak directional heterogeneity in only 29.3%. 4 A significant logarithmic relationship is found between the mining disturbance distance and the actual annual coal production (R=0.613) via fitting modeling analysis,which increases logarithmically as the annual coal production increased,but after the annual coal production increases to 2.32 million tons,the annual coal production has no significant effect on the disturbance distance. The re- sults of statistical analysis based on a large sample of open-pit coal mines have stronger general applicability and fine- ness,which are expected to provide scientific guidance for hierarchical zoning management,precise restoration,and production scheduling optimization in arid and semi-arid coal mining areas.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    open-pit mining;vegetation disturbance range;mining disturbance distance;statistical patterns;Shen- dong coal base

  • 引用格式
    LI Jun,PENG Chuanying,ZHANG Chengye,et al. General statistical rules of vegetation disturbance range by open-pit mining based on a large sample:A case study of Shendong coal base[J].Journal of China Coal Society, 2023,48(2):975-985.
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 神东煤炭基地及露天煤矿的地理位置

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