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  • Title

    Structure optimization and coal breaking effect of air jet nozzle for post-mixed abrasive

  • 作者


  • Author

    YANG Heng;WEI Jianping;CAI Yubo;ZHANG Lulu;LIU Yong

  • 单位

    河南能源集团有限公司,河南 郑州 450046河南理工大学 瓦斯地质与瓦斯治理国家重点实验室培育基地,河南 焦作 454003河南理工大学 煤炭安全生产与清洁高效利用省部共建协同创新中心,河南 焦作 454003河南城建学院 市政与环境工程学院,河南 平顶山 467041

  • Organization
    Henan Energy Group Limited
    State Key Laboratory Cultivation Base for Gas Geology and Gas Control, Henan Polytechnic University
    State Collaborative Innovation Center of Coal Work Safety and Clean-efficiency Utilization, Henan Polytechnic University
    School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Henan University of Urban Construction
  • 摘要

    水力化卸压增透技术在煤层瓦斯灾害治理中发挥了重要作用,但在松软煤层中应用时容易导致塌孔、抱钻和喷孔等动力现象。无水化卸压增透是突破松软煤层瓦斯高效抽采技术瓶颈的可行性技术之一。为此,利用磨料空气射流高效破煤岩能力,提出后混合磨料空气射流破煤卸压技术,采用磨料-空气分离输送的双通道方式,将磨料和空气运送至孔底,采用射流泵-拉法尔耦合的后混合喷嘴结构在孔底对磨料进行引射、混合和加速,使磨料具备高冲击动能,实现高效破煤。基于ANSYS-FLUENT气固两相流模型,分析后混合喷嘴内磨料引射、混合和加速规律,研究磨料颗粒在加速过程中的受力,获得混合磨料空气射流高效破煤最优后混合喷嘴结构;并开展后混合磨料气体射流破煤实验验证破煤性能。结果表明:磨料冲击动能决定于后混合喷嘴的引射能力和加速能力。后混合喷嘴的引射能力与引射喷嘴的喷嘴出口直径和其扩张段长度有关,合理的引射喷嘴出口直径有助于减小喷嘴出口气流波动,扩张段长度则会影响喷嘴出口气流速度,在本文条件下,引射喷嘴采用两段式,其中收缩段长度2 mm,喉部直径2 mm,扩张段长度5 mm,喷嘴出口直径为3 mm。加速结构对磨料的加速效果主要取决于加速喷嘴的膨胀比,膨胀比为1的喷嘴内部气流使磨料颗粒所受合力较大,且加速喷嘴外部磨料所受曳力、压力梯度力和虚拟质量力波动范围较小,磨料加速效果明显,在膨胀比为1条件下,设计加速喷嘴收缩管长度4 mm、出口直径7.73 mm、喉管长度40 mm、扩张管长度为15 mm。按照优化后的喷嘴结构进行破煤能力实验,在引射压力为4 MPa,靶距60 cm,磨料质量流量50 g/s,进行冲蚀实验,冲蚀30 s,优化的后混合喷嘴结构对煤块产生了直径约10 cm,深度约5 cm的冲蚀坑,证明了在设计的最优后混合喷嘴结构参数下系统具有较好的破煤效果,具有工程应用的能力。

  • Abstract

    Hydraulic pressure relief and penetration enhancement technology plays an important role in coal seam gas hozard control, but it is easy to lead to dynamic phenomena such as hole collapse, drill holding and hole spraying during its application in the soft coal seams. Non-hydraulic pressure relief and penetration enhancement is one of the feasible technologies to break through the bottleneck of efficient gas extraction technology in soft coal seams. To this end, the post-mixed abrasive air jet coal breaking and pressure relief technology was proposed with the efficient coal breaking capability of abrasive air jet. Specifically, the abrasive and air are conveyed to the bottomhole by two separate channels, and the post-mixed nozzle structure coupled with jet pump-Laval nozzle is adopted to eject, mix and accelerate the abrasive at the bottomhole, so that the abrasive has high impact kinetic energy to achieve efficient coal breaking. Based on ANSYS-FLUENT gas-solid two-phase flow model, the rule of abrasive ejection, mixing and acceleration in the post-mixing nozzle was analyzed, the force of abrasive particles in the acceleration process was studied, to obtain the optimal post-mixing nozzle structure for efficient coal breaking by mixed abrasive air jet. Besides, post-mixing abrasive gas jet coal breaking experiments were carried out to verify the coal breaking performance. The research results show that the impact kinetic energy of the abrasive is determined by the ejection and acceleration capacity of the post-mixing nozzle. The ejection capacity of the post-mixing nozzle is related to the outlet diameter of the ejecting nozzle and the length of its expansion section. A reasonable outlet diameter of ejection nozzle can help reduce the airflow fluctuation at nozzle outlet, while the length of the expansion section will affect the airflow velocity there. Herein, the two-stage nozzle is adopted, with the contraction section in 2 mm length, the throat in 2 mm diameter, the expansion section in 5 mm length, and the nozzle outlet in a 3 mm diameter. The acceleration effect of the acceleration structure on the abrasive mainly depends on the expansion ratio of the acceleration nozzle. Generally, the internal airflow of the nozzle at an expansion ratio of 1 makes the abrasive particles subjected to a larger resultant force, and the external abrasive of the acceleration nozzle subjected to the traction force, pressure gradient force and virtual mass force with less fluctuation, with obvious abrasive acceleration effect. Conclusively, the acceleration nozzle is designed with a contraction tube with 4 mm length and 7.73 mm outlet diameter, a 40 mm long throat, and a 15 mm long expansion tube at the expansion ratio of 1. On this basis, a coal breaking capacity experiment was conducted with the optimized nozzle structure. Meanwhile, the erosion experiment was carried out at the ejection pressure of 4 MPa, target distance of 60 cm, and abrasive mass flow of 50 g/s. After 30 s of erosion, an erosion pits of about 10 cm in diameter and 5 cm in depth was produced by the optimized post-mixing nozzle structure on the coal blocks. Thus, it is proved that the system has good coal breaking effect with the designed parameters of the optimal post-mixing nozzle structure and has the capability of engineering application.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    pneumatization penetration enhancement;abrasive gas jet;jet pump;nozzle structure optimization;crushed soft coal seam

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    杨恒,魏建平,蔡玉波,等. 后混合磨料空气射流喷嘴结构优化及破煤效果研究[J]. 煤田地质与勘探,2023,51(2):114−126
  • Citation
    YANG Heng,WEI Jianping,CAI Yubo,et al. Structure optimization and coal breaking effect of air jet nozzle for post-mixed abrasive[J]. Coal Geology & Exploration,2023,51(2):114−126
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 后混合磨料空气射流系统原理

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