• 全部
  • Title

    Early-warning evaluation and warning of rock burst using acoustic emission characteristics of coal sample failure

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHEN Jie, LIU Bo, ZHU Chao, PU Yuanyuan, GAO Jingkuan, CUI Yi, ZHANG Chuanjiu

  • 单位

    重庆大学 煤矿灾害动力学与控制国家重点实验室重庆大学 资源与安全学院扎赉诺尔煤业有限责任公司国家能源集团神华新疆能源有限责任公司

  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Disaster Dynamics and Control, Chongqing University
    School of Resources and Safety Engineering, Chongqing University
    Jalai Nur Coal Industry Co., Ltd.
    China Energy Group Shenhua Xinjiang Energy Co., Ltd.,
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    As the most common dynamic disaster of coal rock in deep coal mining, rock burst seriously affects the safe and efficient mining of coal resources. Accurate and timely to predict the rock burst is the best way to control and prevent it. In order to study the precursory information characteristics of coal rock impact to establish an efficient and accurate dynamic prediction model. The triaxial compression test of coal bursting liability performed to get the acoustic emission characteristic parameters of coal failure process, meanwhile the monitoring values of microseismic parameters of typical impact mine face were selected and compared with the AE parameters obtained in the laboratory, then based on the similarity of them, the relationship between laboratory-scale and engineering-scale impact acoustic information representation had been built. It shows the “stepwise” increase of accumulated AE energy during coal sample compression and the “lack of earthquake” phenomenon before the occurrence of large energy seismic events have a good correlation, both of them could be used to revealed the energy breeding process of coal and rock mass. The same energy index has the same evolutionary trend for the occurrence of large energy events at different scales, and it can be used as an early warning index of rock burst risk after quantification. In addition, the static factors and stress dynamic factors affecting the occurrence of rock burst in working face are selected, and the dynamic weights are given respectively by combining the microseismic parameters obtained, which modified by using the Bayesian probability, then a static cooperative comprehensive evaluation and early warning model of rock burst is constructed. Furthermore, the model is used to evaluate and warn the danger of a mining face in Henan Province, and the results are better than those of the traditional evaluation model, which shows the engineering applicability and accuracy of the model.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    rock burst; acoustic emission (AE); microseismic; precursory information; early warning model; triaxial compression

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    陈 结,刘 博,朱 超,等. 基于煤样破坏声发射特征的冲击地压评价预警研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(2):116−129
  • Citation
    CHEN Jie,LIU Bo,ZHU Chao,et al. Early-warning evaluation and warning of rock burst using acoustic emission characteristics of coal sample failure[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(2):116−129
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    • 试件1应力、声发射参数与时间关系

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