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  • Title

    Research on rock burst prevention of high static coal seam in hard roof working face

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Chuanjiu,DU Taotao,LI Hongping,JIA Bingbing

  • 单位

    神华新疆能源有限责任公司 宽沟煤矿天地科技股份有限公司 开采设计事业部煤炭科学研究总院 开采研究分院

  • Organization
    1.Kuangou Coal Mine, Shenhua Xinjiang Energy Co.,Ltd.,Urumqi ,China;2.Coal Mining and Designing Department,Tiandi Science &Technology Co.,Ltd.,Beijing ,China; 3.Coal Mining and Designing Branch,China Coal Research Institute,Beijing ,China
  • 摘要

    为研究坚硬顶板综放工作面冲击地压的主控因素和防治技术,采用微震监测系统和冲击地压应力监测系统通过分源监测分析,研究了工作面冲击地压发生的主控因素,并针对主控因素开展了防冲击地压实践。结果表明:冲击地压主控因素为高静载、强矿震和低支护强度。实体煤侧静载为30.16~84.48 MPa、煤柱静载为27.84~41.04 MPa,易达到发生冲击地压临界载荷;顶板破断前后,常引起高能事件的发生,以动载的形式作用,加剧煤体的应力集中;多因素使得发生冲击显现的巷道变形区域的支护强度比较低。开展了现场控制实践,煤体卸压分阶段多轮动态卸压,对顶板进行深孔预裂爆破,采用锚索梁加强支护,措施实施后大能量矿震发生时,提高了巷道抵抗冲击能力,降低了矿震诱发巷道变形的频次和强度。

  • Abstract
    In order to study the main control factors and prevention techniques of rock burst in hard roof fully mechanized top coal caving mining face,microseismic monitoring system and rock burst monitoring system were used to study the main controlling factors of rock burst in the working face.The results show that the main factors of rock burst are high static load,strong mine shock and low support strength.The static load of the solid coal is 30.16~84.48 MPa and the static load of the coal pillar is 27.84~41.04 MPa,which is easy to reach the critical stress of rock burst.Events with high energy often occur before and after the roof break,and the stress concentration of the coal body is intensified by the dynamic load.Many factors made the supporting strength of roadway bump area relatively low.The field control practice was carried out,multiple stages of the coal seam blasting released stress,the roof was subjected to deep-hole pre-splitting blasting and the anchor cable beam was used to strengthen the support.When large energy mine earthquake happened,the roadway bump resistance ability was improved.The frequency and intensity of deformation induced by mine earthquakes were greatly reduced.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    microseism; rock burst prevention; high static load; low support strength

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  • 图表
    • 坚硬顶板工作面煤体卸压阶段及方式

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