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  • Title

    New progress on monitoring and early warning technology of mine strata pressure bump

  • 作者


  • Author

    Liu Jinhai

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Hebei Provincial Key Lab of Mine Disaster Prevention and Control,North China lInstitute of Science and Technology
  • 摘要

    为解决急倾斜特厚煤层水平分段开采时的冲击地压问题,采用微震监测系统,确定了两煤层间岩柱中产生的矿震是诱发巷道冲击地压的力源,结合具有高采样频率的冲击地压监测系统进行了冲击震源震波及其响应信号的实测,得出急倾斜特厚两煤层之间岩柱诱发冲击地压的震源信号具有距离工作面近、波形呈现出明显的P波、S波,延时较长,能量较大等特征;震源产生的动载使得煤体应力和锚杆受力瞬间升高,距离震源越近,引起煤体应力变化的幅度越大,煤体垂向应力较水平应力升高更为明显,冲击发生前至少1 h内,煤体应力就已开始发生变化,表现出了一定的冲击前兆特征。研究结果表明,通过震波及其响应信号实测可分析冲击地压发生过程。

  • Abstract
    in order to promote the monitoring and early warning level improvement and the new 'technology promotig of the mornioring and eary waning technology for the mine strata prssure bunmp,the paper stated the classication method and relevan clssfication resuits of the six prssure bump montoring and eary warning technologies discussed problems existed in the montoring parametersearly warning thveshoid value,monioring point layout and data analysis and poited out the te:hnical requirements in the montoring scope,montioring paramneters ,montioring methed and eary warning parameters of the mine strata pressure bump.T he paper hadan analysis on the combined monitoring techncology of th seisnic flied and stress feld and the monioring technogy o tl recuency wide range seismic. ialythe paper inroduced the application cases of the ful requency wide range seis mic mornitoring technology; The resuts showed that the combined montorin technology of the seismic field and the stess field and the monitoring technology of fllfrecuency wide range seismicould met the monitoring and eary waning fecimocgy reuirement of the mine srata pressure bump on the monitoring range.monioring parameters,monitoring method and eary warning parameters and would have a wide appicaton prospect.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mine strata pressure bump; monitoring and early warning; multi parameters; full frequency wide range:

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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