Study on identification and control of rock burst hazard source in near vertical and extra thick coal seam
LIN Jun,DU Taotao,LIU Xudong
国家能源集团新疆能源有限责任公司煤炭科学研究总院 开采研究分院中煤科工开采研究院有限公司天地科技股份有限公司 开采设计事业部
为研究乌东煤矿南区近直立特厚煤层在特定区域冲击地压频发的原因,以五一煤矿、大梁煤矿的保护煤柱、大洪沟防洪渠保护煤柱、不同水平分层终采线形成的台阶结构等特定区域为工程背景,采用PASAT M便携式微震仪、ARAMIS M/E微震监测系统,开展近直立特厚煤层特定区域冲击地压致灾的动静载荷源辨识,得到了近直立特厚煤层引发冲击地压的静、动载荷源,针对冲击地压致灾的动载荷源,开展了近直立特厚煤层冲击地压分源控制实践。研究结果表明:特定区域是近直立特厚煤层冲击地压致灾的主要静载危险源,易引起煤体局部高应力集中; B2-B3煤层间岩柱活动是近直立特厚煤层冲击地压致灾的主要动载源,围岩活动产生的冲击致灾高能事件,70.4%发生在两煤层之间的岩柱中;采用煤体卸压爆破和煤层注水方法进行冲击静载荷源控制,通过多水平联合岩柱控制方法开展冲击动载荷源控制。实践表明:采取的分源控制方法有效降低了煤岩体应力集中和围岩活动强度,有效减少了近直立特厚煤层冲击地压灾害的发生频次。
In order to study the causes of frequent rock burst in the special area in the south area of Wudong Coal Mine, the specific area, such as the protective coal pillar of Wuyi Coal Mine and Daliang Coal Mine, the protective coal pillar of Dahonggou Flood prevention drain, and the step structure formed by different horizontal stratified stop-mining lines, was taken as the engineering background. PASAT M portable microseismometer and ARAMIS M/E microseismic monitoring system were used to identify the dynamic and static load sources of rock burst disaster in the specific area of the near-vertical extra-thick coal seam. The static and dynamic load sources of rock burst caused by the near-vertical extra-thick coal seam were analyzed. Based on the dynamic load source identification of rock burst caused by the near-vertical extra-thick coal seam, the field practice of rockburst sub source control was carried out. The results showed that the special area was the main static load source of rock burst caused by near-vertical extra-thick coal seam, and it was easy to cause local high stress concentration of coal body. The rock pillar activity between B2-B3 coal seams was the main dynamic load source of rock burst caused by near-vertical extra-thick coal seams. 70.4% of the high-energy events caused by rock burst caused by surrounding rock activities occur in the rock pillar between two coal seams. Using coal unloading blasting and coal seam water injection method for static load source control impact and through multiple levels of joint rock pillars of control method to carry out the impact of the dynamic load source control practice, the practice showed that the separate source control method can effectively reduce the stress concentration of coal and rock mass and the activity intensity of surrounding rock, and effectively reduce the occurrence frequency of rock burst disaster in the near-vertical extra-thick coal seam, thus forming the rock burst control technology in the near-vertical extra-thick coal seam.
near-vertical extra-thick coal seam; rock burst; PASAT-M detection; microseismic monitoring
0 引言
1 工程概况
1.1 矿井概况
1.2 特定区域冲击显现频发
2 近直立煤层冲击地压致灾因素辨识
2.1 近直立特厚煤层静载危险源辨识
2.2 近直立特厚煤层动载源辨识
3 近直立特厚煤层冲击地压防治实践
3.1 煤体静载集中控制实践
3.2 岩柱动载井上、井下联合控制实践
4 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会