• 全部
  • Title

    Research progress and developing trend of oil sludge pyrolysis andthe process pollution control

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Wujun

  • 单位


  • Organization
    CAS Key Laboratory of Urban Pollutant Conversion, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering,University of Science and Technology of China
  • 摘要
    如何实现含油污泥的无害化处理和资源化回收,是目前石油生产领域面临的一个重大挑战。 热解,作为一种在缺氧环境下热化学分解有机物的方法,在无害化处置和资源化利用含油污泥方面具有重大的应用潜力。 含油污泥的热解资源化已经成为当前石油开采、提炼及环境保护领域的一个重要关注点,近年来相关研究十分广泛。 本文综述了当前国内外学者对含油污泥热解资源化及过程污染控制技术的最新研究成果,以无害化处置和资源化转化含油污泥的热化学新技术为导向,对含油污泥热解资源化及过程污染控制进行全面深入的总结和分析,旨在揭示热解过程中含油污泥组分的增值转化过程及其机制、含氮含硫污染物的产生/ 转化和迁移途径及其相应机制,重点考察催化热解及共热解过程中的催化剂设计原则及反应工艺优化、含硫含氮小分子有机化合物的生成过程及其影响因素以及重金属元素的迁移转化等,并对其未来工业化规模应用前景和发展趋势进行了展望,以期为未来含油污泥无害化处置和资源化回收工作提供理论和技术参考。
  • Abstract
    How to realize the harmless treatment and resource recovery of oily sludge is a major chal⁃lenge in the field of petroleum production. Pyrolysis, as a method of thermochemical decomposition oforganic matter in an anoxic environment, has great application potential in the harmless disposal andresource utilization of the oily sludge. Pyrolysis of oily sludge has become an important concern in thefield of oil exploitation, refining and environmental protection, which has attracted intensive studies inrecent years. In this paper, the latest achievements of the pyrolysis and process pollution control tech⁃nology of oily sludge were reviewed. Guided by the new thermochemical technology of harmless disposaland recycling of the oily sludge, this paper comprehensively summarized and analyzed the recycling ofoily sludge pyrolysis and process pollution control, aiming to reveal the transformation process andmechanism of oily sludge components conversion in the pyrolysis process, as well as the generation,transformation and migration routes of nitrogen and sulfur pollutants and their corresponding mecha⁃nisms. The design principles of catalysts and the optimization of reaction processes during catalytic py⁃rolysis and co-pyrolysis, the formation process and influencing factors of small organic compounds con⁃taining sulfur and nitrogen, and the migration and transformation of heavy metal elements were investi⁃gated. The future application prospect and development trend of this technology were prospected.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Oily sludge; Pyrolysis; Pollution control; Resource recovery; Developing trend

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    国家自然科学基金资助项目(21976170, 22122608)
  • 文章目录
    0 引 言
    1 含油污泥无害化处置及资源化回收概述
    2 含油污泥的热解资源化
    2.1 概 述
    2.2 含油污泥的热解及其影响因素
    2.3 催化热解
    2.4 共热解
    3 含油污泥热解过程的污染控制
    4 结论与展望
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    刘武军. 含油污泥热解资源化及过程污染控制研究进展及发展趋势[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(2):196-204.
  • Citation
    LIU Wujun. Research progress and developing trend of oil sludge pyrolysis and the process pollution control[J].Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(2): 196-204.
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