• 全部
  • Title

    Experimental study on the excitation effect of the number of obstacles in confined space on gas explosion

  • 作者


  • Author

    YAO Lilin;WANG Xueqiang;XI Guojun;XU Jingde;ZHOU Zhenxing

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Mine Safety,North China Institute of Science and Technology
    Shaanxi Coal Industry Co,LTD.
    Shaanxi Binchang Hujiahe Mining Co.,LTD.
    Institute of Higher Education,North China Institute of Science and Technology
  • 摘要

    为探究柱状障碍物数量对瓦斯爆炸激励效应,使用实验室爆炸超压、火焰速度测试系统与激光纹影系统,在管道中部玻璃视窗处放置阻塞率为16. 74%柱状障碍物。改变障碍物数量,对比不同工况下爆炸超压、火焰信号并结合纹影图像分析柱状障碍物激励效应的机理。结果表明:本实验工况下,较短距离设置相邻火焰传感器能稳定获取火焰速度震荡情况。障碍物对火焰传播速度、前驱激波超压峰值与测点最大超压峰值的激励效应随障碍物数量的增加呈非线性关系,测点峰值随障碍物数量增加先增大后减小;前驱激波超压峰值与测点最大超压峰值出现位置相同,都与障碍物设置区域存在一定间距,因此矿井巷道设置隔爆装置可与障碍物保持一定距离。在实际生产中,应对密集分布的障碍物做出完善的阻燃抑爆措施,缩小瓦斯爆炸波及范围,减少井下操作人员伤亡;通过瓦斯爆炸对巷道毁伤情况,可判别火源位置及障碍物参与情况。

  • Abstract

    Blocking rate is 16. 74% in the glass window in the middle of the pipeline,in order to explore theexcitation effect of the number of cylindrical obstacles on gas explosion,laboratory explosion overpressure,flame speed test system and laser schlieren system are used. By changing the number of obstacles,the mechanism of excitation effect of cylindrical obstacles is analyzed by comparing explosion overpressure and flame sig⁃nal of different working conditions and combining with schlieren image. The results show that the flamevelocity oscillation can be obtained stably by setting adjacent flame sensors at a short distance. The excitationeffects of obstacles on flame propagation velocity,overpressure peak of precursor shock wave and maximum o⁃verpressure peak of measuring point show a nonlinear relationship with the increase of the number of obstades.The peak value of measuring point first increases and then decreases with obstacles number increase. The peakvalue of the precursor shock wave overpressure and the peak value of the maximum overpressure of the measur⁃ing point appear in the same position,and there is a certain distance between them and the obstacle exist area.Therefore,the explosion-proof device set in the mine roadway could keep a certain distance from the obstacle.In the actual production,we should make perfect fire retardant and explosion suppression measures for denselydistributed obstacles,narrow the gas explosion spread range,and reduce the casualties of underground opera⁃tors;The location of fire source and the participation of obstacles can be judged by the damage of gas explosionto roadway.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    gas explosion;cylindrical obstruction;flame retardant and explosion suppression 0 

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