• 全部
  • Title

    Basic characteristics of mine dust suppression foam and the quantitative evaluation method of its performance

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Hetang;ZHANG Qi;WANG Deming;LI Xingcheng;XU Chaohang

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学 矿山瓦斯粉尘灾害技术基础研究国家级专业中心实验室中国矿业大学 安全工程学院北京大学 工学院武汉理工大学 安全科学与应急管理学院

  • Organization
    National Professional Center Laboratory of Basic Research of Mine Gas and Dust Control Technology, China University of Mining and Technology
    School of Safety Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology
    College of Engineering, PekingUniversity
    School of Safety Science and Emergency Management, Wuhan University of Technology
  • 摘要

    源头抑制粉尘产生和飞扬是矿山粉尘防控的优先方向;泡沫作为一种含有发泡剂的气液两相介质,具有接尘面积大、黏附粉尘能力强、润湿粉尘速度快的独特优势,是一种高效的抑尘手段,尤其是对呼吸性粉尘有很强的抑制能力。但过去对抑尘泡沫本身形态及性能研究较为缺乏,导致在抑尘泡沫制备与利用中有一定盲目性,制约该技术在矿山的低成本应用。为此,采用理论推导、实验研究、定量分析等相结合的方法,研究了抑尘泡沫排液过程及规律、抑尘泡沫微观形态、性能影响机制及定量评估方法。结果表明:排液因子w 与发泡过程的泡沫柱高度、泡沫含液量相关,即抑尘泡沫高度越高、含液量越大,排液因子w 越小,利用排液模型计算得到的排液因子w、理论排液曲线预测值与实验值有较好的一致性;泡沫尺寸分布、平均直径随发泡剂的添加浓度(质量分数) 变化而变化,当发泡剂质量分数小于0.1% 时泡沫均匀性较差、数量较少,提高其质量分数至一定范围(0.3%~0.6%) 后,泡沫均匀性和数量都有改善,泡沫可获得较大半衰期,其形态难以被破坏,但发泡剂质量分数大于1% 时,泡沫的数量下降、大粒径气泡增多;在发泡剂中加入聚合物羟乙基纤维素的质量分数小于0.3% 时对溶液在煤尘接触角无明显影响,但质量分数增大后接触角比未添加前有所提升,在发泡性能和稳泡性能方面,加入0.1% 聚合物可达到较好地提升抑尘泡沫的产生效率和稳定性。基于从抑尘泡沫产生、输运到其作用于截割尘源全过程剖析,提出了抑尘泡沫性能的评价指标体系,并给出了抑尘泡沫性能定量评估准则及4 个评价等级的判定依据。

  • Abstract
    The priority direction of mine dust control is to suppress dust generation and flying at the source. Foam, a gasliquidtwo-phase medium, has some unique advantages of large dust covering area, strong adhesion ability and fast wettingof dust. It is an efficient way of dust suppression, especially for respiratory dust. However, there is limited research on the morphology and properties of dust suppression foam in the past, resulting in a certain blindness in the preparation andutilization of dust suppression foam. And there is a problem of a large amount of spray foam in exchange for higher dustsuppression efficiency, which restricts the low-cost application of this technology in mines. Therefore, in this study, a theoreticalderivation was combined with experimental research and quantitative analysis to study the process and law of dustsuppression foam drain, the micromorphology of dust suppression foam, the performance influence mechanism and thequantitative evaluation method. These results show that the drain factor w is related to the height of the foam column andthe liquid of foam in the foaming process. The higher height of the dust suppression foam and the greater liquid content,the value of the discharge factor w will be lower. The predicted value of w and the theoretical discharge curve calculatedby the drainage model show a high degree of consistency with the experimental results, which verifies the accuracy of thetheoretical model. The results show foam size distribution, average diameter with the concentration of foaming agentchanges. At a low concentration (1%), thenumber of foam decreases and large particle size bubbles increase. The addition of low-concentration (
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mine dust;dust suppression foam;foam morphology;foam performances;evaluation methodology

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    国家自然科学基金资助项目(52274237, 51474216, 51504249)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    王和堂,章琦,王德明,等. 矿山抑尘泡沫基础特性及性能定量评估方法[J]. 煤炭学报,2023,48(4):1584−1595
  • Citation
    WANG Hetang,ZHANG Qi,WANG Deming,et al. Basic characteristics of mine dust suppression foam and the quantitative evaluation method of its performance[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(4):1584−1595
  • 图表
    • 抑尘泡沫性能评估指标

    图(11) / 表(0)


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