Combustion performance of desulfurized slag-CuFe2 O4 mixed oxygen carrier in coal chemical chain
LI Xugang;WANG Wei;LI Jun;GUO Chaofan;XU Binghui;LIU Tongqing;ZHANG Gang
The waste CaSO4 from desulfurized gypsum is used as resource to prepare calcium-based oxygen carrier for chemical looping combustion, which has the characteristics of easy access to raw materials, low cost and high oxygen loading rate. The desulfurized slag was used as raw material, CaSO4-CuO, CaSO4-Fe2O3 and CaSO4-CuFe2O4 mixed oxygen carriers were prepared according to the template-sol-gel combustion synthesis method adopted by the research group. Five reduction and oxidation cycles of the four oxygen carriers and coal were carried out in a high temperature fixed bed reactor. Discovery of the reaction mechanism and sulfur release rule of coal chemical chain were studied in detail. The results show that the mixed oxygen carriers of desulfurized slag-CuO reaction activity is obviously improved, and the loaded CuO reduces the release of sulfur-containing gas. Desulfurized slag-Fe2O3 improves the reaction activity of the oxygen carrier. Desulfurized slag-CuFe2O4 mixed oxygen carriers increases the carbon conversion efficiency, has good reaction activity and circulation characteristics, and it is completely feasible to be used in coal chemical looping combustion. The activity of oxygen carrier of desulfurized slag mixed with Cu and Fe increases obviously, but the mixed oxygen carrier has partially sintered and deactivated during multiple cycles. In the side reaction of desulfurization slag mixed oxygen carrier and coal, Cu and Fe show good sulfur fixation effect, in the side reaction of desulfurized slag-CuFe2O4 mixed oxygen carrier and coal, the peak concentration of SO2 gas is only 37×10-6.
coal;chemical looping combustion;desulfurized slag-CuFe2O4 mixed oxygen carrier;reaction characteristics;sulfur evolution
0 引言
1 试验
1.1 脱硫渣的提纯
1.2 载氧体的制备和燃料准备
1.3 试验装置和步骤
1.4 试验数据处理
2 试验结果与分析
2.1 脱硫渣系列混合载氧体与煤的化学链燃烧特性
2.2 副反应中硫的演化规律
2.3 载氧体表征分析
3 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会