• 全部
  • Title

    Research on mine 5G network slicing technology

  • 作者


  • Author

    MENG Qingyong;JIANG Yufeng;LI Chenxin;ZHANG Liya

  • 单位


  • Organization
    CCTEG China Coal Research Institute
    Engineering Research Center for Technology Equipment of Emergency Refuge in Coal Mine
    Beijing Engineering and Research Center of Mine Safe
  • 摘要
    网络切片是5G网络的一项重要技术,现有矿用5G研究主要集中于系统架构及应用场景,缺乏对切片技术具体实现方案的研究。针对该问题,通过分析矿用5G网络的基本结构及智能矿山的应用需求,提出利用FlexE的通道化功能实现传输网的资源分配及业务隔离,从而在同一网络基础设施上构建多个按需定制的专用逻辑网络,即网络切片。根据当前矿用信息通信系统及智能矿山应用情况,提出矿用5G网络基础切片划分+基于带宽权重的传输资源分配方法,将网络划分为低时延业务、大带宽业务、工业环网业务、特定业务(无人化协同控制)及预留业务5类切片,并通过进一步的虚拟专用网(VPN)划分方法,设计差异化的带宽权重,以确保充足的传输资源,避免信道拥塞。根据不同业务对时延、带宽的要求,定义具体的5G QoS标志符(5QI),并根据5QI进行业务映射及隔离,为各类业务提供所需的服务级别。在实验室条件下,对矿用5G网络系统的业务调度时间和端到端时延2项指标进行测试,结果表明:网络切片与传统的尽力而为服务模型相比,能够实现更加高效的业务调度,在高负载的场景下,平均调度时间减少了10.9%;在同一业务切片内,矿用5G网络的平均端到端时延为10.33 ms,为无人化协同控制等业务的实施提供了必要条件。
  • Abstract
    Network slicing is an important technology in 5G networks. The existing research on mine 5G mainly focuses on system architecture and application scenarios, lacking specific implementation solutions for slicing technology. In order to solve the above problem, by analyzing the basic structure of mine 5G networks and the application requirements of intelligent mines, it is proposed to use the channelization function of FlexE to achieve resource allocation and business isolation in the transmission network. It constructs multiple on-demand customized dedicated logical networks on the same network infrastructure, namely network slicing. According to the current applications of mine information communication systems and intelligent mines, a method of mine 5G network basic slicing+transmission resource allocation based on bandwidth weight is proposed. The network is divided into five types of slicing: low delay service, large bandwidth service, industrial ring network service, specific service (unmanned cooperative control) and reserved service. Through further virtual private network (VPN) division method, differentiated bandwidth weight is designed to ensure sufficient transmission resources and avoid channel congestion. The specific 5G QoS identifiers (5QI) are defined based on the requirements of different services for latency and bandwidth. The mapping and isolation based on 5QI are obtained to provide the required service levels for various businesses. Under laboratory conditions, two indicators of business scheduling time and end-to-end delay are tested for mine 5G network systems. The results show that network slicing can achieve more efficient business scheduling than traditional best-effort service models. In high-load scenarios, the average scheduling time is reduced by 10.9%. Within the same business slice, the average end-to-end delay of the mine 5G network is 10.33 ms, providing necessary conditions for the implementation of unmanned collaborative control and other services.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    intelligent mine;mine 5G network;network slicing;slicing classification;slicing bandwidth weight;business mapping;business scheduling time;end-to-end delay

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    天地科技股份有限公司科技创新创业资金专项项目(2023-TD-ZD005-001, 2022-2-TD-ZD001)。
  • 文章目录
    0 引言
    1 矿用5G网络切片基础技术
    1.1 网络基础环境
    1.2 Flex E切片技术
    2 矿用5G网络切片设计方法
    2.1 矿用5G网络切片分类方法
    2.2 矿用5G网络切片带宽权重计算方法
    2.3 矿用5G网络的业务映射及隔离方法
    3 性能评估验证
    3.1 测试环境
    3.2 业务调度时间测试
    3.3 端到端时延测试
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    孟庆勇,姜玉峰,李晨鑫,等. 矿用5G网络切片技术研究[J]. 工矿自动化,2023,49(6):168-174.
  • Citation
    MENG Qingyong, JIANG Yufeng, LI Chenxin, et al. Research on mine 5G network slicing technology[J]. Journal of Mine Automation,2023,49(6):168-174.
  • 相关文章
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  • 图表
    • 矿用5G网络的系统架构

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