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  • Title

    Low-carbon water treatment and resource recovery technology: A briefoverview of anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBR) characteristics,applications, and innovations

  • 作者


  • Author

    WEN Hanquan;PAN Yuan;YU Hanqing

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, University of Science and Technologyof China
  • 摘要
    厌氧膜生物反应器(AnMBR)集成了厌氧生物处理的高效率和膜技术的精准选择性,开创了污水处理技术的新篇章。 在当前全球环境保护意识和资源循环利用需求日益加强的背景下,AnMBR 技术不仅响应了追求低碳水处理的趋势,还在资源回收利用方面展示了广阔的发展前景。 本文详细探讨了 AnMBR 的原理、操作优势以及其在当下的应用实践,并阐述了 AnMBR 技术在推广过程中面临的技术挑战和最新的科研进展。 即便 AnMBR 在商业化应用中仍存有挑战,但得益于科学研究的不断深入和技术创新的推动,这些挑战正被一一克服。 基于 AnMBR 的新技术开发与应用为实现废水资源化利用与推动循环经济方面提供了有力支持。 AnMBR 技术在提高污水处理效率、减少碳排放,以及促进能源和资源的可持续利用方面取得了突破性进展,预示着水处理技术正在向更加绿色、高效的方向发展,对未来水资源管理与环境保护具有深远意义。
  • Abstract
    Anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBR) technology combines the efficiency of anaerobicbiological treatment with the selectivity of membrane technology, ushering in a new era in wastewatertreatment. With the increasing global focus on environmental protection and resource recycling, AnMBRtechnology addresses the low-carbon treatment trend and shows promising prospects in resource recy⁃cling. This paper provides an overview of AnMBR principles, operational advantages and current practi⁃cal applications. It also highlights the technological bottlenecks and economic challenges that AnMBRfaces in its application, as well as the latest advances in research. The development and implementationof these novel technologies provide robust support for AnMBR in the wastewater treatments and in pro⁃moting a circular economy. Although commercializing AnMBR poses challenges, ongoing scientific re⁃search and technological innovation are addressing these issues. The groundbreaking progress ofAnMBR in enhancing wastewater treatment efficiency, reducing carbon emissions, and fostering thesustainable use of energy and resources heralds a shift towards a greener and more efficient trajectory inwater treatment technology. These achievements not only optimize wastewater treatment processes butalso contribute significantly to advancing global environmental protection efforts, carrying profound im⁃plications for the future management of water resources and environmental conservation.
  • 关键词

    厌氧膜生物反应器 低碳水处理与资源化技术 工程实例 双碳 甲烷排放

  • KeyWords

    Anaerobic membrane bioreactors; Low-carbon water treatment and resource recovery tech⁃nology; Engineering case studies; Dual carbon goals; Methane emission

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    温汉泉, 潘元, 俞汉青. 低碳水处理与资源化技术: 厌氧膜生物反应器(AnMBR)的特性、应用与新技术简介[J]. 能源环境保护, 2024, 38(1): 1-11.
  • Citation
    WEN Hanquan, PAN Yuan, YU Hanqing. Low-carbon water treatment and resource recovery technology: A briefoverview of anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBR) characteristics, applications, and innovations[J]. EnergyEnvironmental Protection, 2024, 38(1): 1-11.
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