Numerical simulation of heat effect and strain effect on gas drainage
ZHANG Linfeng;YANG Yanguo;FAN Nan;LIU Kang;YAO Wenjun
In order to explore the influence of thermal effect and strain on gas drainage, a fluid solid thermal coupling model considering coal deformation, gas adsorption and thermal effect was established to simulate the influence of thermal effect and strain on gas drainage. The results show that the gas production rate is 11.48% higher and the gas production rate is 11.45% higher when the thermal effect is considered than when the thermal effect is not considered. The stronger the thermal effect, the greater the permeability, and the higher the gas production. This shows that the influence of thermal effect on gas drainage cannot be ignored; the influence of different strains on gas extraction is different, adsorption strain > temperature strain > pressure strain.
gas drainage;fluid-solid-thermal coupling;thermal effect;strain;gas production;permeability
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会