• 全部
  • Title

    Numerical simulation of fluid-solid-thermal coupling for CO2 injection enhanced mining in deep coal seams

  • 作者


  • Author

    YAO Wenjun;DENG Cunbao;FAN Nan;SHEN Wenmai;ZHANG Linfeng;ZHANG Pengli

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Safety and Emergency Management Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology
  • 摘要

    为研究温度效应对深部煤层注CO2增抽瓦斯的影响规律,根据煤体变形特征和瓦斯渗流特性基本理论,建立了同时考虑非等温吸附、二元气体竞争吸附、气体渗流和扩散、热传递和热对流的注CO2强化煤层抽采的流-固-热耦合模型,探究了温度效应对煤储层参数和产气演化规律的影响。结果表明:煤层温度降低引起的煤基质收缩促进了CH4解吸,忽略温度效应的流-固耦合模型会低估瓦斯产气量;在初始渗透率为3.95×10−17 m2,CO2注气压力为8 MPa时,对于韩城矿区3#煤层埋深1 400 m的深部煤体而言,考虑温度效应(319.5 K)的流-固-热耦合模型相比流-固耦合模型,瓦斯抽采3 650 d,煤层平均瓦斯压力下降0.69%,A点渗透率增幅11.02%,产气速率增幅13.51%,累计产气量增幅13.76%。

  • Abstract

    In order to study the effect of temperature effect on CO2 injection and gas extraction in deep coal seams, a fluid-solid-thermal coupling model for CO2-injection enhanced coal seam extraction was established based on the basic theory of coal deformation characteristics and gas seepage characteristics, which also considered non-isothermal adsorption, binary gas competitive adsorption, gas seepage and diffusion, heat transfer and heat convection. The influence of temperature effect on coal reservoir parameters and gas production evolution law is investigated. The results show that the shrinkage of coal matrix caused by coal bed temperature decrease promotes CH4 desorption, and the fluid-solid coupling model ignoring temperature effect will underestimate gas production. When the initial permeability is 3.95×10−17 m2 and the CO2 injection pressure is 8 MPa, for the deep coal body buried 1 400 m in the No. 3 coal seam in Hancheng Mining area, compared with the fluid-solid-thermal coupling model considering the temperature effect (319.5 K), the gas extraction time of 3 650 days is higher than that of the fluid-solid coupling model. The average gas pressure of coal seam decreased by 0.69%, the permeability of A point increased by 11.02%, the gas production rate increased by 13.51%, and the cumulative gas production increased by 13.76%.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    gas drainage;fluid-solid-thermal coupling;CO2 injection into coal seam;coal-bed methane;absolute permeability

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    山西省基础研究计划青年资助项目(202203021212291);山西省高等学校科技创新资助项目 (2021L058)
  • 文章目录

    1 CO2-ECBM流-固-热耦合模型
    1.1 煤层CO2-CH4渗流控制方程
    1.2 应力场控制方程
    1.3 温度场控制方程
    1.4 耦合项
    2 CO2-ECBM流-固-热耦合数值模拟
    2.1 几何模型的建立及网格划分
    2.2 模拟方案与参数设定
    2.3 温度效应对储层压力的影响
    2.4 温度效应对渗透率的影响
    2.5 温度效应对产气速率和产气量的影响
    2.6 初始煤层温度对CO2-ECBM的影响
    3 结语
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    姚文军,邓存宝,范楠,等. 深部煤层注气强化开采的流-固-热耦合数值模拟研究[J]. 煤矿安全,2024,55(7):31−38.
  • Citation
    YAO Wenjun, DENG Cunbao, FAN Nan, et al. Numerical simulation of fluid-solid-thermal coupling for CO2 injection enhanced mining in deep coal seams[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2024, 55(7): 31−38.
  • 相关文章
  • 图表
    • CO2-ECBM模型

    图(7) / 表(2)


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