• 论文
  • Title

    Analysis of typical solid waste treatment and disposal modes and carbonemissions in provinces (municipality) along the Yangtze River Economic Belt

  • 作者


  • Author

    WEN Mingxuan;LIANG Sha;DING Yunchang;DUAN Huabo;LI Sen;YANG Jiakuan

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Hubei Key Laboratory of Multi-media Pollution Cooperative Control in Yangtze Basin, School ofEnvironmental Science & Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)
    Hubei Provincial Engineering Laboratory for Disposal and RecyclingTechnology of Solid Waste
    State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    The management of solid waste pollution in the Yangtze River Economic Belt is crucial forthe ecological environment protection and restoration campaign. In order to gain a deep understanding ofsolid waste management and carbon emissions along the river, this study conducts quantitative analyseson the generation characteristics, treatment and disposal features, and comprehensive environmentalimpacts (in terms of carbon emissions) of typical solid wastes such as domestic waste and municipalsludge. The analyses are based on data from statistical analysis and model prediction methods. The re⁃sults indicate that in 2022, the total generation of domestic waste and municipal sludge in the provincesand cities along the Yangtze River was approximately 105 million tons and 5.08 million tons, respec⁃tively. It is projected to reach approximately 122 million tons and 6.46 million tons by 2025, with Jian⁃gsu Province having the largest total generation (approximately 25.85 million tons and 1.74 million tonsfor domestic waste and municipal sludge, respectively). The downstream areas showed the largest gaps(approximately 13.20 million tons and 1.63 million tons). Incineration is the primary disposal methodfor both domestic waste and municipal sludge, accounting for around 76.1% and 77.8% on average,respectively. The total carbon emissions from domestic waste and municipal sludge are estimated toreach 22.89 million tons and 90.21 million tons, respectively, with unit emission intensities of approxi⁃mately 0.24 CO t/ t and 2.21 CO t/ t. Based on the generation characteristics and carbon emissionintensities of domestic waste and municipal sludge in various provinces and cities along the YangtzeRiver Economic Belt, this paper proposes optimization management recommendations to promote low-carbon treatment and disposal of solid waste in the Yangtze River Economic Belt.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Yangtze River Economic Belt;Solid waste treatment and disposal;Domestic waste;Mu⁃nicipal sludge;Carbon emission

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    WEN Mingxuan, LIANG Sha, DING Yunchang, et al. Analysis of typical solid waste treatment and disposalmodes and carbon emissions in provinces (municipality) along the Yangtze River Economic Belt[J]. Energy En⁃vironmental Protection, 2024, 38(5): 1-10.
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