• 全部
  • Title

    Research progress on thermochemical conversion technology of sewage sludge

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZOU Zhengkang;GUO Xiao;LIANG Sha;;XU Xiaoxiao;DUAN Huabo;YANG Jiakuan

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Environmental Science & Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
    Hubei Provincial Engineering Laboratory for Disposal and RecyclingTechnology of Solid Waste
    State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion
  • 摘要
    随着我国城镇化水平持续提升,市政污泥的年产量已经超过 7 000 万 t。 市政污泥中除了有机组分和营养元素外,还含有致病菌、重金属等污染物,存在潜在的环境风险。 随着污泥产量逐年增长,污泥处理处置“无废城市” 建设面临的突出难题。 近年来,随着污泥热转化技术的研究和发展不断深入,其在污泥处理和处置方面展现出较大的应用潜力。 本文综述了典型污泥热化学转化技术的研究和示范应用进展,重点总结了污泥焚烧、热解、气化和水热处理等热化学转化技术的基本特点、影响参数、产物组成及热转化产物的资源化利用途径等方面的最新研究成果,同时,对污泥与其他有机固废协同处置的研究和应用进展进行了总结。 此外,还对不同污泥热化学转化技术的碳排放强度和水平以及其核算方法进行了总结分析。 在此基础上,对污泥热化学转化技术未来的研究方向提出了展望,以期为选择及优化污泥的处理和处置方法提供参考。
  • Abstract
    China′s urbanization level is continuing to rise, and the annual production of municipalsludge has exceeded 70 million tons. In addition to organic components and nutrients, municipal sludgemay also contain pollutants such as pathogenic bacteria and heavy metals, which pose potential environ⁃mental risks. With the annual growth of sludge production, treating and disposing of sludge has becomea prominent problem in realizing the construction of a " waste free city" . In recent years, with the deep⁃ening research and development of sludge thermochemical conversion technology, it has shown greatapplication potential for sludge treatment and disposal. This paper reviews the research and demonstra⁃tion application progress of typical sludge thermochemical conversion technologies, and focuses on thelatest research achievements in the basic characteristics, influential parameters, product compositions,and resourceutilizationpathwaysofthermochemicalconversiontechnologiessuchassludgeincineration, pyrolysis, gasification, and hydrothermal treatment. Additionally, the paper summarizesthe research and application progress of collaborative disposal of sludge with other organic solid wastes.Furthermore, the carbon emission intensity and level of different sludge thermochemical conversiontechnologies and their calculation methods are summarized and analyzed. On this basis, an outlook onthe future research directions of sludge thermochemical conversion technology is proposed, aiming toprovide reference for the selection and optimization of sludge treatment and disposal methods.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Sewage sludge; Thermochemical conversion; Resource utilization; Carbon emission

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    邹正康, 郭晓, 梁莎, 等. 市政污泥热化学转化技术研究进展[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(5): 110-120.
  • Citation
    ZOU Zhengkang, GUO Xiao, LIANG Sha, et al. Research progress on thermochemical conversion technology ofsewage sludge[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(5): 110-120.
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