• 全部
  • Title

    Effects of drying temperature on reabsorption characteristics of dried lignite

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI You,ZHANG Shou-yu,MAO Qing,YAO Yun-long,YANG Jing-ning,MU Chen

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Energy and Power Engineering,University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,Shanghai  200093,China
  • 摘要
    采用自制卧式干燥实验台,制得不同干燥温度下的褐煤煤样,采用核磁共振法测定干燥试样的有效含水孔隙,采用傅里叶红外法测定试样的表面含氧官能团,使用自制复吸实验装置测定不同干燥程度褐煤煤样的平衡含水率。实验结果表明,对于低温干燥褐煤(干燥温度为140~230℃,干燥时间为10 min),干燥温度对褐煤的有效含水孔隙体积影响较小,对主要含氧官能团影响较大,煤中主要含氧官能团表现为随干燥温度升高先减少后增加。对于高温干燥褐煤(干燥温度为600~800℃,干燥时间为30 s),干燥温度对褐煤的有效含水孔隙体积和含氧官能团均有较大影响,表现为随干燥温度升高有效含水孔隙体积减少,含氧官能团增多。不同干燥条件下,干燥褐煤的复吸特性影响因素不同,低温干燥条件下,干燥温度通过改变褐煤含氧官能团数量来影响干燥褐煤复吸特性,而有效含水孔隙结构是高温干燥褐煤平衡含水量的主导因素。
  • Abstract
    Lignite samples dried under different temperatures were prepared using a horizontal fixed-bed dryer. The ox- ygen-containing functional groups on the surface of the dried lignite samples were analyzed using Fourier-transform in- frared (FTIR) analyzer and the effective water-filled porosities of the samples were analyzed by nuclear magnetic reso- nance (NMR) spectrometer. The equilibrium moisture content of the samples was measured by a self-made reabsorp- tion device. The experimental results from the lignite samples dried at low temperature show that the drying tempera- ture has little effect on the effective water-filled porosities and the amount of the main oxygen-containing functional groups firstly decreases and then increases with the drying temperature increase. The reabsorption characteristics of lig- nite dried at low temperature was influenced by the amount of oxygen-containing functional groups. In the case of the lignite samples dried at high-temperature drying group,with the increase of drying temperature,the amount of the ef- fective water-filled porosities of the samples decreases and the amount of oxygen-containing functional groups increases and the equilibrium moisture content decreases. The effective water-filled porosity is a main factor for the lignite dried at high temperature.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    lignite;drying temperature;effective water-filled porosity;oxygen-containing functional groups;reabsorp- tion

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    Li You,Zhang Shouyu,Mao Qing,et al. Effects of drying temperature on reabsorption characteristics of dried lignite[ J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2016,41(10):2454-2459.
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