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  • Title

    Analysis of emulsified ZS reagent effect on flotation results of lignite semi-coke and its mechanism

  • 作者


  • Author

    Yu Yuexian Ma Liqiang Zhang Zhongling Wang Liyu

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)
  • 摘要
    为提高褐煤半焦的浮选效果,基于对褐煤半焦的工业分析、元素分析和红外光谱分析,以及褐煤半焦表面的孔径分布测定,采用ZS乳化药剂作为捕收剂对褐煤半焦进行浮选试验,并对比了常规药剂0号柴油、煤油、ZS药剂的浮选效果。试验结果表明:褐煤半焦经浮选后可实现一定程度的降灰,但常规药剂浮选褐煤半焦时药剂消耗较大,在浮选精煤灰分相近时,使用ZS乳化药剂可以节省79%的药剂用量,使药剂消耗降至1 kg/t以下,同时提高了精煤产率和浮选完善指标,最后对ZS乳化药剂的捕收机理进行了初步探讨。
  • Abstract
    in order to inprov fotation efe c of inite semi-coke,based on the proximate analysis element analysis and infrared spectrum analysis on the lignite semi-coke and the measurement on the pore diamete distributon of the linite semi-coke the emusfed 2sS reagent would be appied to the fotation experiment on the lgnie semi-oke and the foatation effcts of the conventional reagent Noa. 0 diesel kerosene and Zs reagent were compared.The experiment resuts showed that ae r the foatation,.the ash conten of the ligntie semi-coke could be reduced in some degree and when the conventionalreagent applied to the ficatation of the li ntesemi- coke the reagent consumnption would be high.Nhen the ash content ofthe clean coal frm the fioatation was closed to.the applcatin of the emuisfied Zs reagent could save the reagent volume by 79% and the reagent consumpton would be reduced below 1 kg / t.The clean cal yeld and ficataton perect idex wouda be improved anda preliminary discussion was conducted on the collection mechanism of the emulsified Zs reagent.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    flotation;lignite semi-coke; reagent emulsification; distribution of pore diameter;infrared spectrum;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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