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  • Title

    Study Status and Progress on Slime Water Slurry Blending Technology and Equipment

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  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    According to the present high ash content, low coal recovery rate and other dfficultes in the high ash and dificult prepared slime floatation, the paper pr ovided that the high efficient slime water slurry blending could be the effective access to solve the above difficulties.From the high efficient slime water slurry blending, t he paper introduced the study progress of the mixing technology and theory for the slime water slurry and introduced the application and existing problems of the availa ble slime water slurry blending equipment.Based on the comprehensive evaluation on the theory, method and technical study status to improve the slime water slurry bl ending effect, the paper studied the slime water slurry blending affected to the floatation process and the law.The paper provided that the study on the slime water slurr y preparation technology in the near future should be conducted on the following four areas, including the study on the mechanisms of the agent dispersion, the particle dispersion and surface modification, the particle clashing and effective adsorption processes, the study on the flow field variation of the slime slurry under the different mixing vane structures, the study on the shear strength affected to the slime water slurry effect under the different coal quality and particle components, the developme nt of the new high efficient slime water slurry blending equipment in order to meet the requirement of the fine and difficult preparation slime floatation technique.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    dificult preparation of high ash coal;slime;floatation;slime water slurry blending;dosage;

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