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  • Title

    Experiment Study on Characteristics of Coarse Slime Rod-grinding and Flotation

  • 作者


  • Author

    YUE Zeng-chuan MA Li-qiang LI Ji-hui DU Wan-lei WANG Jian ZHAO Wei ZHU Yan

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) Dawukou
    Coal Plant, Shenhua Ningxia Coal Industry Group
  • 摘要
    为了解粗煤泥棒磨和浮选特性,提高粗煤泥再选的经济技术指标,以大武口选煤厂金能分厂的TBS尾煤为研究对象,在试验室内进行了磨矿条件试验,确定了棒磨过程最佳的矿浆浓度、介质配比、磨机转速和介质填充率;通过调节磨矿时间,得到了不同粒度和解离程度的5组产品;通过浮选试验发现磨矿12 min产品取得了最佳的浮选指标,产率33.89%、灰分12.92%的精煤。对浮选精、中、尾煤进行密度和粒度分析,发现磨矿产物中部分煤泥解离仍不够充分,低灰的粗粒煤泥浮选过程中上浮能力较差,导致浮选可燃体回收率较低,高灰的细泥则通过夹带等进入精煤使得精煤灰分偏高。
  • Abstract
    In order to understand the characteristics of coarse slime rod- grinding and flotation process, improve the economic and technical indicators of coarse sli me repreparattion, the paper took the tailing of TBS from Dawukou- Jinneng Coking Coal Preparation Plant as a study object. Firstly, a series of grinding experiments w ere conducted in laboratory, the best slurry concentration, medium composition, mill speed and medium fling rate was determined, and then by adjusting the grinding ti me, five groups of different particle size and dissociation products were obtained. The result showed that the product with 12 min grinding time had more appropriate siz e composition and better dissociation, by repreparation flotation could get clean coal with the ash content 12. 92% and the production rate of the cleaned coal would be 33.89%. In the analysis of density and particle size of floatation concentrate, middings, tailings, part of slime dissociation was inadequate, floating ability of coarse slim e of low ash too poor, resulting low recovery rate, high ash slime by entrainment into the high coal ash.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coarse slime; rod-grinding; flotation; particle size; mineral dissociation;

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