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  • Title

    Physical properties and gas outburst disaster induced-mechanism in coal seams underneath the magmatic sill cover

  • 作者


  • Author

    Wang Liang Liu Fei

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Key Laboratory of Coal Methane and Fire Control,Ministry of Education,China University of Mining and TechnologyCollege of Earth and Mineral Sciences,Pennsylvania State University,State College National Engineering Research Center of Mine Gas Control,China University of Mining and Technology
  • 摘要
    为了揭示含瓦斯煤在负压环境下的扩散特性,在实验室分别模拟了0、10、20、30、40 k Pa负压环境下含瓦斯煤的扩散解吸过程,对比分析了不同负压环境下的瓦斯解吸量、解吸速度、扩散率和扩散系数的变化情况。试验结果表明:瓦斯解吸量随环境负压的增加逐渐增大,360 min时累计解吸量最大增加37.45%,负压具有促进煤中瓦斯解吸的作用;负压对前15 min内瓦斯解吸速度的影响比较显著,尤其对前3 min内瓦斯解吸速度影响最大,衰减高达60%左右,15 min后负压对解吸速度的影响较弱;吸附平衡压力相同条件下,瓦斯扩散率、扩散系数均随着负压的增大而增大;负压增大引起扩散系数的增大是促进瓦斯解吸的主要原因。
  • Abstract
    in order to study the gas ocurence law and dynamic disaster features of the coal seam undemneath the magmaic sil cover.the theoreical analysis andengineering case verfication method were aplid to analyze the seam metamorphic degreepore structure gas adsoption and desoptio perormances and gas ocurence features under the condtion of the magmatic ill cover. The control mechanism of gas dynamic disasters on th underlying cal seams by ill cover was revealedThe studyresults showed that the coal seam metamorphic degree pore stucture development degre and gas adsoption and desoption would have a closed relationship with the thickness and space distance of the magmati il cover.Generally they would be increased with the thickness of the illincreased and they would be decrased with the increasing ofth sil space distance with coal seams.Th ill ~ould applythe cap rock to soundlyseal the seam gas.thus.thesean gas pressure and gascontent would be increased.A coal and gas outburst disaster would be eaily occured under the mining or excavating and a well lowout and othr compicated gas oynamic disaster accidents would be occurred.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    bedrock cap rock; pore structure; adsorption and desorption; coal and gas outburst;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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