• 全部
  • Title

    Analysis study on mining safety under water reservoir

  • 作者


  • Author

    Zhang Bin Yang Yong Li Ling

  • 单位


  • Organization
    China University of Mining and Technology ( Beijing)Safety Branch,China Coal Research Institute Company Limited State Key Laboratory of Coal Mining and Clean Utilization
  • 摘要
    为解决水体下安全采煤的技术难题,同时有效地保护地表水、地下水资源和水库坝体的安全,在以往研究成果的基础上,采用统计分析、理论计算和工程类比相结合的方法,从水库下采煤的安全性和开采对水库坝体的影响2个方面,对申家庄煤矿扩大区在岳城水库下采煤的安全性进行了论证。研究结果表明:"两带"发育最大高度为92 m,F37和F38断层安全煤柱宽度分别为87.3、129.0 m,防水安全煤(岩)柱留设合理,扩大区可实现安全开采;开采引发的地表下沉、倾斜变形、曲率变形、水平移动变形及水平变形不会波及到水库坝体,对水库坝体安全不构成影响。
  • Abstract
    in order to sowe the technical problems of the safety mining under the water boady and to effectively protect the ground water,underground water resources and the safetyof the reservoir am bsed on the previou study achievemens.the stetistic analys s,theoreical cadculaton and engineering analogy combined method were applied to the verfication on the safetyof the coal mining under Yuecheng Watereservoir in the expansion block of shenjiazhuang Mine from the two aspects of the coal mining safety under the water reservoirand imining afiected to therservoir dan. The studlyresutshowed that the max height of the caving zone and factured zone development was 2 mt,the saetly coa ila with of F37 Fault and F月38 Faut was 87.3 and 129.0 m individualythe water prevention c al rock) illars eting was rational and a sartety mining could be realized in the exparnsion block.The surace ground subsidence,incli ed deformationcurvature deformaton horizontal dspacement deformation and horizontal deformation caused by the mining would not sweep to the reservoir ams and would not infuence to the safety of the reservoir dams.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal mining under water reservoir;Ordovician limestone water, water prevention coal pillar setting; moving deformation;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)

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