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  • Title

    Experimental Study on Advanced Detection in Coal Seam Driving Roadway by Ground Penetrating Radar

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIANG Qing-hua WU Yan-qing SONG Jin HUANG Hui ZHU Chang-huai SUN Xing-ping

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Chongqing Research Institute, China Coal Technology and Engineering Group Huainan Coal Mining Group Ltd.
  • 摘要
    为了准确分析煤矿掘进巷道探地雷达探测地质异常问题,采用井下探测试验跟踪方法,在淮南矿业集团顾北煤矿和顾桥煤矿对探地雷达在井下煤巷超前探测的效果进行了跟踪试验52次,预测预报距离2 390 m,并经过掘进验证,研究了探地雷达在煤矿井下的探测深度、回波异常特征以及探测异常的准确率。研究结果表明:探地雷达在煤层掘进巷道的探测距离达到50 m,探测异常回波特征主要采用波形明显的回波异常法,得到了探测异常准确率为87.5%,较好地指导了煤矿安全生产。
  • Abstract
    In order to accurately analyze geological anomaly detection question in coal roadway by Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) , using mine detection test tra cking method, the authors conducted out 52 times tracking test for the effect of advanced detection of the ground penetrating rada in Gubei Mine and Guqiao Mine of H uainan Coal Mining Group. Prediction distance was 2 390 m. This was validated by excavation. The authors studied the exporation depth, echo anomalies and anomaly detection accuracy of GPR in the coal mine. The results showed that GPR in the detection of roadway distance was to reach 50 m, and the anomaly method was mainly applied to detect echo anomaly characteristics. The accuracy of abnormality detection was 87. 5%. This method was better to guide the safety production of coal mine.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    driving face of coal seam roadway; ground penetrating radar; advanced detection;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)

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