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  • Title

    Application of High Pressure Water Jet Coal Cutting in Mine Pressure Bumping Prevention and Control

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  • 摘要
    针对采掘时期冲击地压显现频发的特点,采用高压射流割煤技术进行冲击地压防治,结合实际条件,采用FLAC2D软件模拟了9组正交试验,模拟结果表明,采取孔间距2 m、孔径300 mm的施工方案对煤体能起到较好的卸压效果。现场应用结果表明:高压射流冲孔后的电磁辐射值平均在20mV左右,远小于冲孔前的电磁辐射值;SOS微震监测情况也反映出冲孔期间日总能量普遍偏小,无大能量事件发生。
  • Abstract
    According to the features of the mine pressure bumping frequency occurred during the mining and driving period, the high pressure water jet coal cutting and pressure releasing technology was applied to prevent and control the mine pressure bumping.In combination with the actual conditions, the FLAC2D numerical sim ulation software was applied to simulate nine group orthogonal experiments and the results showed that when a construction plan with a borehole space of 2 m and a b orehole diameter of 300 mm was applied, the coal body would have a pressure releasing effect.The site application results showed that after the high pressure water jet was applied to cut the borehole, the electromagnetic radiation value was about 20 mV in average and was far lower than the electromagnetic radiation value before the borehole cut.The condition of the sos microseismic monitoring and measuring also reflected that the daily total energy value was small generally during the borehole C ut period and no high energy accident occurred.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    high pressure water jet;microseismic monitoring and measuring;electromagnetic radiation;mine pressure bumping;

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