• 全部
  • Title

    Study on monitoring and early warning technology of mine pressure bump disaster

  • 作者


  • Author

    Dou Linming Li Zhenlei Zhang Min

  • 单位


  • Organization
    State Key Lab of Coal Resources and Safety Mining,China University of Mining and Technology School of Mining Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology MOE Key Lab of Deep Coal Mining,China University of Mining and Technology
  • 摘要

    为合理选用监测预警方法以便进行高效的冲击地压防治,通过工程与文献调研、理论分析、现场实践等方法,分析总结了我国煤矿冲击地压发生特征、影响因素、发生机理、监测预警手段等。结果表明:冲击地压大多发生在巷道,破坏范围一般为90~150 m,且矿震能量越大、距离巷道及采场越近,其诱冲可能性越高;冲击地压发生机理一般为静载应力集中和矿震动载扰动叠加作用的结果;冲击地压的监测预警主要从静载应力场和震动场两方面,单一监测方法难以实现对冲击地压的精确预测,而联合多种方法涉及震动场和应力场的多参量综合监测预警技术较为科学。

  • Abstract
    in order o rationally select the montoring and early warning method to igh efi ently prevention and control of the mine pressure bump.with the engineering and lierature investigation,theoretcal nalysis site practices and other methocd.the paper analized and summarzed the featres infuencefactors ocurence me:hanism,montoring warning means and others of the mine pressure bump occured in China.T7he resutshowed that the most pressure bunps ocurred in the mine roadway within a faiure scope of 90 ~150 m.The higher mine seismic energy value and the distance more closed to the mine roadway and mining face.the igher posiliy ofthe pressure bunp occured would be.The occurence mechanism of the mine pressure bump would generall be the resuts of the statistic stress concentration and mine seisnic cynanic intererence superpostion role. The monitoring early warning of the mine pressure bump would be mainly based on the two aspects of the statistic sress fild and the seismic dyanic fed a single mornioring method could be hard torealize an acurate prediction of the mine pressure bump and the combined multi methods and the multi parameter comprehensive monitoring early warning technology of the seismic dynamic field and stress feld would be scientific
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mine pressure bump; monitring early wamning;pressure bump features; ocurrence mechanism: dynamic and statistic loading;internet plus;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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