Study on the Process of Phosphogypsum Floatation Coupled with Acid Leaching for Impurity Removal and Whitening
GUO Wanxin;DONG Wanqiang;DENG Xiangyi;CHI Ruan;CHEN Zhuo;SUN Ningjie
武汉工程大学 资源与安全工程学院武汉渠清工程咨询有限公司湖北三峡实验室磷石膏利用研发中心
磷石膏是湿法制磷酸过程产生的大宗固废,目前仍以集中堆存为主要处置方式,磷石膏的大量堆存可能导致严重的环境污染问题。本文以湖北某磷肥生产企业磷石膏作为原料,开展了浮选和酸浸条件实验。研究结果表明,在十二胺用量为200 g/t、矿浆pH值2.0、5%硫酸液固比5∶1、酸浸温度35 ℃、酸浸时间2 h的条件下,可获得白度>70%、CaSO4·2H2O含量>97.83%的磷石膏精矿,精矿中可溶磷、氟含量分别降低至0.098%和0.052%;Zeta电位、表面张力、FT−IR分析表明,十二胺捕收剂在磷石膏表面作用以氢键和物理吸附为主,浮选后精矿中SiO2含量显著降低。该工艺具有较强适用性,操作简便,可为磷石膏的高附加值资源化利用提供指导。
Phosphogypsum, a bulk solid waste generated from the wet phosphoric acid process, is primarily disposed of through centralized stockpiling, which poses significant environmental risks. This study investigates the flotation and acid leaching conditions for phosphogypsum sourced from a phosphate fertilizer producer in Hubei, China. Optimal results were achieved under the following conditions: dodecylamine dosage of 200 g/t, slurry pH of 2.0, sulfuric acid concentration of 5%, liquid-solid ratio of 5:1, leaching time of 2 hours, and temperature of 35 ℃. The treated phosphogypsum exhibited a whiteness of over 70%, a CaSO4·2H2O purity exceeding 97%, and reduced soluble phosphorus and fluorine contents to 0.098% and 0.052%, respectively. FT-IR spectra, zeta potential, and surface tension analyses revealed that dodecylamine interacts with phosphogypsum surfaces through hydrogen bonding and physical adsorption. Additionally, the flotation process significantly decreased the silicon dioxide content in the concentrate. This method demonstrates simplicity, strong applicability, and potential to provide high-quality raw materials for the value-added utilization of phosphogypsum.
phosphogypsum;flotation;dodecylamine;acid leaching;coupling process;whiteness
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会