Research Progress of Flotation Foam State Informatization Based on the Background of Intelligent Beneficiation
ZHANG Yanbing;MA Yiwen;LIU Xiaobo;SUN Xin;YAO Fuxing;ZHENG Mengke;SUN Jinghui
辽宁科技大学 矿业工程学院北京科技大学 土木与资源工程学院辽宁科技大学 智慧矿山研究院
Mineral resources are the foundation of social and economic development. According to the goal of realizing high−quality development of mineral resources in the new period of China, it is necessary to build green and highly efficient mines by using information and digital technology. Intelligent beneficiation is a part of intelligent mine, and its implementation is based on the informatization and digitalization of mineral processing. Taking foam flotation as an example, the common methods of foam state informatization were combed, and the digital applications of foam state information were further described, then the development and promotion direction of intelligent flotation process was discussed. The aim is to facilitate the advancement of the research process related to advanced technologies in the field of intelligent mineral processing.
intelligent beneficiation;flotation foam;informatization;digitization
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会