Application Study of Nano−ceramic Balls in the Vertical Ball Mill of Pulang Copper Mine
LI Chao;ZHOU Hao;GONG Li;ZENG Jianwu
云南迪庆有色金属有限责任公司昆明理工大学 国土资源工程学院
迪庆有色普朗铜矿选矿厂采用立式球磨机进行粗精矿再磨,磨矿过程中存在钢球介质失圆率和负荷高、磨矿细度差、衬板使用周期短等问题。为了探索提高该立式球磨机磨矿效率的技术途径,对比研究了纳米陶瓷球和钢球的磨矿效果。结果表明,与钢球相比,采用纳米陶瓷球作为磨矿介质后,立磨机的磨矿效果得到明显提升,即磨矿产品−0.049 mm粒级的含量提升了近8百分点;同时,显著降低了磨矿成本,即磨矿介质消耗降低了82.32%,衬板使用成本降低了63.83%,能耗降低了25.71%。由此可知,采用纳米陶瓷球替代钢球,能有效提高普朗铜矿选矿厂粗精矿再磨的磨矿效率。
The Pulang Copper Mine uses vertical ball mills to regrind coarse concentrates, which encounters problems such as high loss of roundness and overloading of steel balls, poor grinding fineness, and short service life of liners. To improve the grinding efficiency of this vertical ball mill, the grinding effects of nanoceramic balls and steel balls were compared in this investigation. The results show that the grinding performance of the vertical mill is significantly improved after adopting nanoceramic balls as the grinding media, with the content of −300 mesh particle size in the ground product increasing by nearly 8 percentage points. Moreover, the grinding costs are significantly reduced after adopting nanoceramic balls as the grinding media. Specifically, the consumption of grinding media is decreased by 82.32%, the cost of liner usage is reduced by 63.83%, and energy consumption is reduced by 25.71%. Therefore, replacing steel balls with nanoceramic balls could effectively enhance the grinding efficiency in the Pulang Copper Mine Concentrator.
vertical mill;grinding media;ceramic ball;liner
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会