Hydrogen−based Mineral Phase Transformation−low Intensity Magnetic Separation−reverse Flotation of an Iron Ore Abroad
NING Guodong;LIU Hong;LIU Yingzhi;LI Wenming
某铁矿铁品位为52.11%,铁主要以赤/褐铁矿的形式存在,占全铁的85.54%,主要脉石矿物为石英,含量为20.87%。为确定该矿石的合理利用工艺,进行了氢基矿相转化—弱磁选—反浮选实验研究。结果表明,在还原温度为540 ℃、还原时间为20 min、还原气体体积浓度为25%,还原气氛
China's iron ore is heavily dependent on imports. In order to solve the problem of import dependence, enterprises are actively searching for available iron ore resources and developing independent innovation technologies. The hydrogen−based mineral phase conversion technology uses hydrogen or hydrogen−rich gas as a reducing agent to chemically react the ore in a suspended state and at a certain temperature, so that the weakly magnetic iron minerals in the ore are converted into strong magnetic magnetite or maghemite, and then magnetic separation is performed using magnetic differences between minerals. The iron grade of an iron ore is 52. 11%. Iron mainly exists in the form of hematite/limonite, accounting for 85. 54% of total iron. The main gangue mineral is quartz, with a content of 20. 87%. In order to determine the reasonable utilization process of the ore, the experimental study of hydrogen−based mineral phase transformation−low intensity magnetic separation−reverse flotation was carried out. The results show that when the reduction temperature is 540 ℃, the reduction time is 20 min, the reduction gas volume concentration is 25%, the reduction atmosphere
hematite/limonite;hydrogen−based mineral phase transformation;reverse flotation;raise iron and reduce impurities
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会