Research Progress on Comprehensive Utilization of Tungsten Tailings
LI Shitao;WANG Feiwang;YANG Bin;DAI Huixin;TANG Dongdong;WU Zhipeng;WU Liwei;LU Yiming
昆明理工大学 国土资源工程学院矿物加工科学与技术国家重点实验室云南迪庆有色金属有限责任公司
Our country is rich in tungsten resources, the reserves rank first in the world, but with the continuous exploitation of tungsten resources, a large number of tungsten tailings are produced. Tungsten tailings are solid wastes produced in the process of tungsten ore beneficiation, which retain a large number of valuable elements and heavy metals. Long−term storage not only wastes resources, occupies a large amount of land resources, but also may cause environmental pollution. The current situation and characteristics of tungsten tailings resources in China are analyzed, the impact of tungsten tailings accumulation on the environment is discussed, and the current situation of comprehensive utilization of tungsten tailings is reviewed in detail, including recovery of valuable components and overall utilization of tungsten tailings. In terms of recovery of valuable components, valuable metals such as tungsten, molybdenum, bismuth, rubidium, copper and non−metallic minerals such as quartz and fluorite can be effectively extracted through physical mineral processing and chemical leaching. In terms of the overall utilization of tungsten tailings, tungsten tailings are used in the manufacture of cement, glass−ceramics, porous ceramics and geopolymers. The problems and development direction of comprehensive utilization of tungsten tailings are pointed out in order to provide reference for the recovery and utilization of tungsten tailings.
tungsten tailings;comprehensive utilization;glass ceramics;building material
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主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会