Surrounding rock control technology for adjacent excavation roadway based on energy gathering blasting for top cutting and pressure relief
Wang Pengwei
针对青洼煤业回采巷道变形量大、维护困难等问题,通过现场调研与理论分析,确定巷道失稳受临近工作面采空区覆岩持续运动影响,结合22051巷生产地质条件,提出深孔爆破卸压与22062巷支护参数优化方案。现场矿压监测数据表明:爆破卸压后巷道顶板横向和纵向裂隙交错发育,围岩破碎,同时,巷道爆破卸压后22062巷顶底板移近量最大值221 mm,两帮移近量最大值235 mm,卸压并优化支护参数后,巷道顶底板移近量降低49.2%,两帮移近量降低55.5%,有效控制回采巷道围岩稳定,为类似条件下回采巷道治理提供借鉴。
In response to the problems of large deformation and difficult maintenance in the mining roadway of Qingwa Coal Industry, through on-site research and theoretical analysis, it was determined that the instability of the roadway was affected by the continuous movement of the overlying rock in the goaf of the adjacent working face. Combined with the geological conditions of production in No.22051 raodway, a deep hole blasting pressure relief and optimization plan for the support parameters of No.22051 raodway were proposed. On site mining pressure monitoring data showed that after blasting pressure relief, the transverse and longitudinal cracks on the roof of the roadway developped alternately, and the surrounding rock was broken. At the same time, the maximum movement of the roof and floor of No.22062 roadway after blasting pressure relief was 221mm, and the maximum movement of the two sides was 235mm. Compared with before pressure relief, the movement of the roof and floor of the roadway was reduced by 49.2%, and the movement of the two sides was reduced by 55.5%, effectively controlling the stability of the surrounding rock of the mining roadway and providing reference for the treatment of mining roadway under similar conditions.
blasting;pressure relief;adjacent excavation;surrounding rock
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会