• 全部
  • Title

    Research and application of near-bit wireless measurement while drilling

  • 作者


  • Author

    Hao Yongjun

  • 单位


  • Organization
     Jizhong Energy Fengfeng Group Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

     In the process of underground directional drilling, the near-bit electromagnetic wave measurement while drilling technology can provide the natural gamma value of the rock layer near the bottom of the hole, so as to effectively identify the lithology of the coal seam, the roof and floor of the coal seam, the collapse column and the fracture exposed by the borehole. Aiming at the problems of complex geological conditions, hidden and irregular structures such as collapse columns and fissures in Fengfeng mining area, as well as the safety requirements of mining operations and insufficient exploration of structural accuracy, by studying the wireless gamma measurement technology while drilling, combined with the near-bit electromagnetic wave technology, No.126402 Face of Sunzhuang Mine was taken as an example, the application of this technology in non-coring drilling was optimized. During the research process, the bit position information was obtained in real time in the downhole directional drilling, and the surrounding lithology was accurately determined. The results showed that the technology could effectively identify coal seam, roof and floor lithology, collapse column, fracture and other structures, improve the quality of drilling results of underground geology, hydrogeology and gas exploration drilling, improve the prediction and prediction ability of hidden geological structures, and provide geological guarantee for safe and efficient coal mining.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

     near drill bit;wireless;measurement drilling;gamma technology;coal mine underground

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    郝永军. 井下近钻头无线随钻测量技术研究及应用[J]. 煤炭与化工, 2025, 48(2): 46-49,53..
  • Citation
    Hao Yongjun. Research and application of near-bit wireless measurement while drilling. CCI, 2025, 48(2): 46-49,53..

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