Study on seismic detection technology of water conducting structure in air intake roadway of No.4-1051 Face in Zhengli Coal Industry
Zhang Jie
 山西焦煤集团岚县正利煤业有限公司 )
正利煤业4-1051工作面为带压开采工作面,为了有效预防工作面揭露隐伏断层、陷落柱等导水构造而发生突水事故,在进风巷掘进至通尺133 m处时实施了超前地震探测,共发现了3处异常反射界面,最终通过钻探验证,3处均有断层发育,并且在钻孔揭露处均出现了不同程度的出水现象,最大涌水量出现在R3异常处,涌水量达到36 m3/h。实践表明,地震法探测断层、陷落柱等异常导水构造科学有效,为矿井探测地质构造提供了经验借鉴。
No.4-1051 Face of Zhengli Coal Industry was under pressure. In order to effectively prevent water outburst accidents caused by exposing hidden faults, collapse columns and other water conducting structures in the working face, advanced seismic detection was carried out when the air intake roadway was excavated to a full-scale of 133 m. A total of three abnormal reflection interfaces were found. Finally, through drilling verification, faults were developed in these three locations and different degrees of water outburst occurred at the borehole exposure. The maximum water inflow occurred at the abnormal position of R3, and the water inflow reached 36 m3/h. Practice showed that the seismic method was scientific and effective in detecting abnormal water conducting structures including faults and collapse columns, which provided experience for geological structures detection of the mine.
water disaster prevention and control;mining under pressure;geological structure;seismic detection
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会