Hydrogeological characteristics and its relationship with gas occurrence of Linxi Mine
Li Xinliang
Coal seam gas occurrence was affected by coal-bearing strata water. In order to reveal the hydrogeological characteristics and gas occurrence law of Linxi Mine and provide guidance for coal mine safety mining, according to the coal mine gas geological data and hydrogeological data, the water quality characteristics, gas occurrence characteristics and groundwater dynamic field characteristics were analyzed. The results showed that the water quality type of Ordovician limestone in Linxi Mine was Ca · Na-HCO3 type, and the water quality type of coal-bearing strata was ( Na + K ) -HCO3 type. The salinity of coal-bearing strata water was high and the hydrodynamic conditions were weak. The gas occurrence characteristics and groundwater migration of Linxi Mine were generally controlled by Kaiping syncline, which made the mining area in the gas transition zone and the escape zone, and the gas content was low. At the same time, the folds and fault structures in the mine also had different degrees of influence on the gas occurrence. The groundwater flow direction of Linxi Mine was the same as the gas content flow direction. The salinity of groundwater and the gas content of coal seam gradually decreased with the direction of water flow, and the hydrodynamic conditions gradually increased. This study had important guiding significance for the safe mining and gas control of deep coal seams in Linxi Mine.
gas occurrence;hydrogeology;groundwater;relationship
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会