Research on the application of coal sales unattended platform in Zhangcun Coal Mine
Hao Shaosong;Yang Shize
为了应对章村矿煤炭类产品销售量逐日增加、手动统计当日数据效率低下、容易产生错误操作等问题,本文基于Spring Cloud框架与煤炭销售智慧云系统,结合云计算、大数据及人工智能技术,设计并开发了一套煤炭销售无人值守智慧云平台。通过优化业务流程、降低人力成本、提升管理规范性和安全性,该平台显著提高了销售效率与经济效益,在章村矿的应用表明,车辆过磅时间缩短60%,车牌识别准确率达到98%以上,且有效杜绝了人为操作失误与作弊现象。
In order to cope with the problems of daily increase in sales of coal products in Zhangcun Coal Mine, low efficiency of manual statistics on the day, and easy to produce wrong operations, this paper designs and develops a set of unattended intelligent cloud platform for coal sales based on Spring Cloud framework and intelligent cloud system for coal sales, combined with cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence technology. By optimizing business processes, reducing labor costs, and improving management standardization and safety, the platform has significantly improved sales efficiency and economic benefits. The applicatin in Zhangcun Mine shows that the vehicle weighing time is shortened by 60%, the license plate recognition accuracy rate is over 98%, and the phenomenon of human error and cheating is effectively eliminated.
Spring Cloud煤炭销售智慧云系统无人值守MyBatis-Plus
Spring Cloud;coal sales intelligent cloud system;unattended;MyBatis-Plus
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会