F− transport law in a coal mine goaf filled with gangue and its variations characteristics with Darcy flow velocity
ZHAO Li;JIA Xiangteng;ZHANG Qing;XU Feng;ZHU Kaipeng;KONG Weifang;XING Mingfei;JIN Yi
During coal mining, the massive accumulation of coal gangue and its pollution effects on ground⁃water have become pressing issues in ecological environment management and resource utilization. Objec⁃tives Using coal gangue to backfill goafs as a storage space for purified mine water can not only achieve re⁃source utilization of coal gangue but also help remove fluoride from mine water. This provides an economi⁃cal and environmentally friendly solution. Methods This study focuses on fluoride in mine water, using coal gangue from the Baode mine goaf as the backfill medium. Based on the hydrogeological conditions of the study area, column simulation experiments were performed at 25 ° C with Darcy flow velocities of 6.24, 3.12, and 1.56 cm/h. Experimental data were numerically simulated using the Convection-Dispersion Equa⁃tion (CDE) model and the Two-Site Model to explore the transport behavior of fluoride under different flow velocities. Results The experimental results showed that chloride acted as a non-reactive tracer, and their breakthrough time was negatively correlated with flow velocity. The CDE model effectively described their migration behavior, and dispersion increased with the rise in Darcy flow velocity. For F migration, the Two-Site Model provided a better representation of the migration process compared to the CDE model. Coal gangue demonstrated significant adsorption-retardation effects on fluoride, with the retardation factor R and adsorption capacity increasing as the flow velocity decreased. The equilibrium adsorption site fraction (f value) and distribution coefficient (β value) of fluoride on coal gangue also increased with decreasing flow velocity, while the first-order kinetic adsorption rate constant (α) decreased. This indicates that equilib⁃rium adsorption becomes more dominant as the flow velocity decreases during solute migration. Addition⁃ally, as leachate was continuously injected, OH on the surface of the coal gangue were gradually replaced by F through ion exchange adsorption, leading to an increase in the pH of the effluent. This pH increase was more pronounced at lower flow velocities. Conclusions The results could not only provide a theoretical basis for the purification of high-fluoride mine water but also alleviate the environmental pressure caused by coal gangue accumulation, offering significant environmental and economic benefits with promising poten⁃tial for broader application.
coal gangue;fluoride;solute transport;dispersion coefficient;retardation coefficient;two-site model
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会