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  • Title

    Study on the mechanism of water inrush disasters in overlying karst tunnels under damage-seepage coupling

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIN Zhibin;LI Yahao;LIN Peizhong;ZHANG Boyang;YANG Dafang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Civil Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University
    Henan Natural Resources Monitoring and Land Consolidation Institute
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    Objectives  To analyze the impact of overlying karst caves on tunnels, this study investigates the law of water inrush disasters in overlying karst tunnels under damage-seepage coupling. Methods Based on the Shuangbei Tunnel project in Chongqing, a rock mass damage-seepage coupling model is developed us⁃ing the trilinear strain softening model. FLAC3D is employed to simulate the deformation, plastic zones, permeability coefficients, and water inflow of the surrounding rock during tunnel excavation through the overlying karst cave. The influence of rock mass damage-seepage coupling and varying karst cave water pressures on the water inrush disaster characteristics of the overlying karst tunnel is compared and ana⁃lyzed. Results When the water pressure in the overlying karst cave is 1.8 MPa, after the tunnel excavation passes through the center of the overlying karst cave by 5.0 m, two “eight-shaped” water-conducting frac⁃ture zones form between the karst cave and the tunnel, causing the rock mass to slide by about 600 mm. The sliding body takes on an approximately trapezoidal shape, with top, bottom, and height dimensions of 3.6 m, 9.6 m, and 8.4 m, respectively. When the tunnel excavation does not pass through the overlying karst cave, the maximum water inflow does not exceed 0.01 m/s. However, after passing 0 m, 2.5 m, and 5.0 m beyond the center of the overlying karst cave, the maximum water inflow reaches 0.022 m/s, 0.185 m/s, and 0.743 m/s, respectively. For water pressures of 1.2 MPa, 1.8 MPa, and 2.4 MPa in the overly⁃ing karst cave, the maximum water inflows after passing through the cave are 0.031 m/s, 0.0743 m/s, 1.365 m/s, respectively. Conclusions During tunnel excavation through the overlying karst cave, if the wa⁃ter pressure in the cave exceeds the critical threshold, the tunnel will experience a roof collapse and water inrush accidents. The water inrush exhibits a certain delay and a large volume characteristic. The higher the water pressure of the karst cave, the earlier the water inrush occurs, and the greater the final water in⁃flow. To accurately simulate the spatial and temporal evolution of water inrush disasters during karst tunnel excavation,  the damage-seepage coupling effect in rock mass must be considered. The findings of this study provide an important insights for the stability control of surrounding rock in karst tunnel engineering.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    karst cave;tunnel;damage-seepage coupling;water inrush;permeability coefficient;water in⁃flow

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    林志斌,李亚豪,林培忠,等. 损伤-渗流耦合作用下上覆溶洞隧道突水灾变规律研究[J]. 河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2025,44(2):154⁃163.
  • Citation
    LIN Z B, LI Y H, LIN P Z, et al. Study on the mechanism of water inrush disasters in overlying karst tunnels under damage-seepage coupling[J]. Journal of Henan Polytechnic University (Natural Science), 2025, 44(2): 154-163.
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